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velabas t1_iy6e63o wrote

I found the Emperor at the back of his study fingering through an unknown volume that he had plucked from the shelf. His deep cherry stained desk, carved three hundred years ago, still glinted candlelight across its scratched surface. Of all his majesty's royal halls and apartments whose grand ornamentation festooned the Great Palace, only this study betrayed a humble beginning. None now could remember when the Emperor's kin walked among the commonfolk.


I remained frozen. Rarely did the Emperor speak to his advisors, and much less directly so, even to those among the highest echelons of his council.

"Godliness, Ramsey... godliness in a man. Unquestionable only insofar as he be unassailable."

The Emperor's words took me by surprise and my tongue, as loose as he must know it to be in debate with the others, did not move.

"The Great Palace never saw a single year without an addition, you know. Of course you know." His eyes raised from the pages and sent an icy message to my own. "You know so much, Ramsey."

My heart sank and I looked to the floor, and cupped my hands tightly before my frock. Whatever I could do to submit and retreat; retreat from the Emperor, retreat from his presence. He knows.

"These grounds are measured in ages. Thousands of years and immeasurable expense. It is a city. Every turn reveals another incalculable structure. Soaring vaulted heights, to remind the people here of godliness. My godliness.

"The Empire began here, Ramsey. In this study. You did not know that, of this I am sure. From the time of my ancestor when this was a village and he a mere chieftain. And now, the Grand Palace. A symbol. But what symbol so vast and empty. A city of air and gold."

The Emperor slammed shut his tome, shocking my ears and giving me a visible start. He dropped it on the desk. He looked at me now, directly. Fury shone red in his eyes as he squared up not a meter from where I stood. I cowered in submission and untameable fear.

"Godliness in a man is preserved by the space around him. It is a buffer, like a protective cloud. It raises us, and paints us like gods at the height of grand murals. All else is below, separated from we who are untouchable and godly. My Empire. My holiness!"

Just then he lurched, and knocked me to the ground in a rage. I fell, but out of obedience rather than the force of his lunge.

The Emperor's royal garment tangled in his elbows, and he struggled briefly to right the knot.

"Folly! " he cried. "This Empire is built on the momentum of my standard's conquests. It is preserved by the space this palace has created." His voice broke, and he was heaving. Desperate.

"Never before has one come so close, Ramsey. But never has an Emperor known what must be done."

I couldn't manage even a word. The Emperor was on his knees now. An impossible vision of a man. A broken man.

"You see now, Ramsey? A year wasted planning an act so easy to undertake as it happens. You see what you must do, now? Here and now, Ramsey?"

Though my knees were buckling in terror, I managed to regain my feet. The Emperor stayed like a beggar before me. A small person in a small room.

I retrieved the heavy tome that had been dropped onto the cherry desk. A workable instrument for the task. The Emperor prepared this to be his fate, because the title of the book fit the occassion. "The Last Emperor", it read.

As I looked from the engraved golden letters back to the Emperor, I saw that the rage in him had been replaced by a subtle, knowing smile.

My own fate was sealed. But the Empire would change, forever.


Fabulous-Idea-7568 t1_iy7uq3a wrote

"You sent for me?", I called. My voice bounced off the great marble walls, echoing back to me. There he sat, the Emperor, his small toes hovering above the ground. Another sign that this throne was not meant for him. I gripped the dagger behind my back even tighter. It was either now, or never.

"Yes, I did. Please come forward." he answered sternly. His squeaky voice barely filling the room.

I walked forward out of the shadow of the door, my chest becoming heavier with each step. It's for the good of the empire. Just remember. The good of the empire.

When I finally stepped out into the light, his once lively face, now contorted into a look of disgust. My heart sank and my eyes widened. His fat cheeks pressed against the hood of his brow. His piercing blue eyes, illuminated with fury.

"I'm sorry, my Emperor. But is there something that seems to be troubling you?" I inquired innocently. My mind began to race.

Oh, my god. he knew. How could he know? The sweat began dripping down my hands. I could feel the golden hilt of the dagger slipping out of my fingers.

"I know" he muttered begrudgingly. His face sinking into his velvet robes. His once golden hair, now a light brown due to his distaste for bathes. His crown barely staying on top of his oily head.

I could feel my heartbeat bursting out of my chest. My breaths becoming shallower and quicker. No, this can't be it. There have been too many signs. Too many opportunities for this to finally to be over. I could feel my breath escaping me.

"Kn....know what?" I finally managed to sputter out, hoping he would finally lift his head. I could feel the knife slipping out of my hand, and with it, the empire.

"What you've been planning. I know everything." he growled as he leaned forward. His red pudgy hands tightly gripping the ruby handles of his throne. His blue eyes watery with rage. The veins on his neck pulsating like a drum. I had never seen him this angry before.

I stepped back in shock. The dagger slipping out of my wet hands into the frigid air. I fell to my knees in defeat as the dagger clamored against ground behind me. Ringing against the hall floor like the sound of an alarm. This was it. Please. god just give me one more sign. The clanging of the knife still ringing in my ears.

Silence followed.

"I'm sorry." I finally croaked. The tears began to well into my eyes. Everything lost. Years, months, days of planning. All lost. Lost someone like him. The last bit of hope for the empire slipping between my fingers.

I stared defeatedly as I watched his small but swollen body writhe in anger. This Emperor could barely fit into his throne let alone rule.

Wait. How could I lose to someone like him? The thoughts of retribution continued to fester and dance around in my head.

My disappointment quickly dissipated to anger. My muscles recharging with adrenaline.

"It's for the good of the empire!" I screamed. My eyes ablaze and baring into his. The hot tears now streaming down my face. My fingernails digging into my fists so tightly I could feel the warm blood begin to drip down my hands.

A small giggle burst out between his plump lips. His teeth still stained from chocolate.

I can't believe it, he's taunting me. I could feel the hot rage burning against the back of my neck. I need to find that dagger.

I glimpsed over my shoulder to find where the dagger had fallen, but before I could turn around the sound of running footsteps filled my ears. I hastily stiffened my body, ready for the fight that was about to ensue. His menacing laughter filling the hall as he ran towards me. My hands anxiously searching the ground for the dagger.

Time felt as it had slowed down as the golden hilt gleamed beneath the foot of the chair. As I reached for it, my head hit the stone floor before I could reach the dagger. I look up from the ground to see the emperor looming over me like a predator who had just caught their prey. Giggling like a hyena as he sat on my chest.

"It's okay. I was only just messing around." he giggled as he hugged me. My body still stiff. The thoughts in my head had stopped racing. My brain still foggy from my head hitting the floor. I wiped the tears away from my eyes so I could see his face more clearly.

"What?" I murmured out. His face no longer twisted into a look of fury, but into the sweet look of a childish joy. Was this the sign from god?

"I knew you were planning something amazing for my eighth birthday. I tried to trick you into telling me, but you always stink at telling secrets." he teased as bits of chocolate crumbs fell from his lips onto my chest. His fat cheeks red from laughter.

"Get off of me." I muttered as I shoved his small frame off of my chest. The fog slowly clearing from my brain. My eyes desperately darting around the room for the dagger. Hopefully I find it before he does.

"Here." he said. He hands barely big enough to hold on to the metal hilt. His blue eyes still gleaming with enjoyment. He must have never noticed I dropped it. Probably too busy trying to conceal his silly attempt of a prank from me.

"I found it under the chair, silly" he laughed shoving the dagger closer to my hands. As I snatched the dagger out of his hands, my eyes quickly fixated onto something that glittered from across room. My whole-body electrifying with awe. There lied the crown glistening against the torch light as it lay on the stone floor. Not on the Emperor's head.

This was it. This was my sign from god. In his attempt to taunt me, the stupid fool hadn't noticed the crown had slipped off his head. It must of fell of when he tackled me. Finally, it was my time to take the throne.

"Trust me, you're never going to guess what the surprise is." I teased. A smirk began to grow across my lips. Adrenaline running through my veins faster than before. My fingertips tightening around the golden hilt. In the reflection of the blade, I could see a vision of myself sitting on the throne. The empire once again, back into my hands.

As I stood deep in thought, the emperor jumped into my chest, his little arms wrapping into a tight hug.

"You're the best big sister ever." he muffled as he buried his head deep into my dress. His small fingers squeezing my back firmly.

"Best big sister ever." I muttered as I raised the dagger above his back. The torch light bouncing of the blade's reflection. Making the dagger look like it was made of fire. My eyes eagerly glanced back to the front of the room. The crown and the throne, sitting there waiting. Waiting for their rightful ruler.

It was either now, or never.


No_Chance333 t1_iy9hk7f wrote

I, the emperor's advisor, have been planning his assassination since day one. I hate his guts no matter how much he tries to deceive me. I know him all too well. He looks nice but he actually isn't. He makes me sick! If only he was dead. It won't be too much longer. I just have to wait patiently for the next month. That's it. Then it's over.

I was walking through the hall to the Emporers study as he requested. It was nerve-wracking. I wondered if he knew. The plan would be scraped and I will die if he ever finds out. I need to make sure. Everything has to come through...

I knocked thrice on the Emporer's door. He knows instantly it's me. "Come in William..." The Emporer says.

I come in to see him at his desk looking through piles of paper. I composed myself as I have done several times before. This is like every day. Just stay calm and he will know nothing. He can't know.

"You called?" I question the Emporer. I am loyal to the Emperor. Never straying from his words... As far as he knows. He once told me to drop the formalities as he treats me as his friend. I don't buy it but I do as he told.

The Emporer doesn't answer me. He's probably busy with paperwork. What does he want? Advice? A loyal companion? I don't know. Maybe nothing at all. That would be for the best.

Then suddenly the Emporer speaks, still not looking up from his paperwork. "How long?" He asks.

"What?" I answered instantly. How long for what? I don't understand. He couldn't know. There was no way. Nothing makes sense. Did I do something wrong? Does it show on my face? No... It couldn't. He hasn't looked up from his work. Then what?

"How long have you been so disloyal?" He asks as if he already knows.

"Never! as I am always loyal to you. Isn't that why you made me your advisor?" I decide questioning would be a better road than saying nothing. After all, he couldn't know. There was no way. I must calm down. The Emporer knows nothing... He can't.

"Hmm.. Very well..." He says scribbling something on his paperwork. I must calm down before he looks. If he looks at me he would be able to tell. I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Still wracked with nerves. "You know lying can get you killed." He continued.

Shocked. That's what I was doing. How did he know? No... He can't know... There is no way he could tell... No way... My plan was perfect!

"Of course," I say answering him. I don't have time for him to question me. I must change the subject. Something... Anything at all... Ah! "Have you read the book I recommended, your majesty?" I questioned when I noticed the book sitting beside a stack of papers.

"Changing the subject I see..." He says once again scribbling. I wish I could read his mind. I wouldn't be so nervous. "If you won't be honest then I'll come out and say it... How long have you been planning my assassination?" The Emporer asks finally looking up from his work. He looked straight at me.

What do I do now? He knows! How? I don't understand. I must get him off my trail and fast. "I don't understand what you're talking about, your majesty. I wouldn't dare do something such as that." I say bowing my head with my arm across my chest. He trusts me. There is no way he would ever think it was me.

"I already know so be honest." He says calmly, "and drop the formalities. That's not like you." He's looking me dead in the eyes. I can't do this. Not like this. I must beg for forgiveness... Or something. And fast.

I quickly got on my hands and knees ready to beg for forgiveness. "I'm so sorry your majesty. I had no choice! You must believe me!" I say nearly yelling. I must convince him and fast.

"I already know you're the culprit. There is no need to beg, that's not like you. I'll ask one last time. If you don't answer honestly then I will have no choice but to hang you from the palace. How long have you been planning my assassination?" He says with cold eyes. I could tell he was serious.

I have no choice. I must tell the truth. If I'm going down then I might as well take him with me. I got up onto my feet, looked him in the eyes, and said "since day one. My plans are nearly complete. Even if you kill me here and now, you will still die. Even if not by my hands. I must say I didn't think you would find out this quickly." I won't let him have the last laugh. Everyone will finally see him for the person he really was.

"Good," He says looking back down at his paperwork. I was stunned. What did he mean by good? What's up with him? Is he trying to trick me? He can't! I could hear him scribble away at more paperwork. He really mean what he said.

"What do you mean?" I finally spoke up. This was bizarre. Who wouldn't ask more once knowing there was an assassination plan? I don't get him.

"Hmm?" He says not even paying attention.

I walk up to his desk and slammed my hand down. "What. Do. You. Mean. By. Good?" I asked word by word. He needs to be serious about this. He will die and he's acting like I didn't say anything. Like he doesn't know what I'm talking about. What happened?

"I want you to continue with your plan. Act like I know nothing." He says scribbling away at the paper in front of him.

"What? Why? You're going to die and there is nothing you can do about it." I say bewildered. This man makes no sense. Shouldn't he do what he can to make it stop? What is up with him?

"Why should I? I won't be dying." He continues, "that's all, you may leave." He says dismissively waving his hand.

Shocked, I leave his study room, closing the door behind me. The halls were dead. You couldn't hear a pin drop if you wanted to. Confused I walk aimlessly through the halls not knowing what to do. He knows... What am I to do now? What was his plan? Should I go with my plan anyways? I don't know.


No_Chance333 t1_iy9hqpt wrote

Days even weeks went by and before I knew it, it was already the day of the Emporer's death. I knew this day would come. I've been prepared to see his bloody body. My plan is in motion. My plan has been going smoothly even with the Emporer knowing. He won't get away...

The guards were away on "special duty" as I like to call it. The Emporer was alone. My plan is all set and ready. Now the assassin must kill. Once the Emporer is finally dead, everything will end. His madness, his people, and everything he did wrong will be corrected. People will know who he is. They will know what he has done. I can't wait.

I roamed the halls, looking closely at all the impressive paintings of the Emporer's family. They passed long before by the Emporer himself. They deserve this...

An hour passed and still nothing. The assassin hasn't come to report. What happened? Could his majesty have taken him out? No way! He doesn't know how to wield a sword. How would the Emporer know? He couldn't. There is no way.

I ran through the halls heading straight to the Emporer's room. He must be inside. He has to be dead. I must see it for myself.

I burst into the Emporer's room to see him holding a bloodied sword and the assassin lying dead on the floor. How could this have happened?

As if the Emporer could read my mind, he says "you should have paid a better assassin. Now time for my plan to start." He took a step toward me. I'm scared. What will he do?

He came up close to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. I was trembling in fear. There was no way the Emporer could have done this! "It was a good plan, just not good enough." He says leaving his room.

What am I to do now? Will I die? I start hyperventilating. Everything became blurry, my breath stalled, my vision darkened and soon I fainted. Not knowing what is to come.