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ashendragon2000 t1_ixsgsc5 wrote

“Okay, I’ve had enough, I expel you devil, go back to hell.” Mr. Constantine holds up his axe at the devil

“Oh well! Has the class finished so soon?” The devil says surprisingly.

“Yes, class is done, fuck back to hell before I crash your skull, devil”

“Well according to the contract, I am to take one soul from the class when class is finished, so I better hurry and find out who is doing worst at defending against dark magic now” the devil says cheerfully, almost excitedly.

“No devil you didn’t even teach—— you know what? I’m done, you’re done.” Mr. Constantine stomps the floor with an enraged war cry, and charges at the devil at amazing speed.

The devil stood there as if he is just taking the blow, but just as Mr. Constantine’s axe falls upon the devil, darkness fills the room, Mr. Constantine screams in pain.

“Well……. I see you are not a great defender against dark magic? I wouldn’t give you a very good rating for taking that nightmare lightning straight on with your face” the light came back, Mr. Constantine on the floor, holding his face, rolling in pain.

“Oh don’t be a baby my summoner, it makes me look bad, I didn’t harm you TAHT badly did I? The contract bounds me from doing so” the devil shakes his head with a sigh.

“Well, it’s time to test your fellow humans” the devil turns to us, suddenly, we can move again.

Without hesitation, we all continued chanting whatever spell we were chanting before being frozen

With mana flows though of me, a ward is up, just covering all my classmates. About the exact same time, a magical amplifier array appeared under our feet, and a few more wards joined, a few knight spirits were summoned, a dozen of lightning and fire bolts fired, and someone sent a emergency alert out, the school alarm sounded outside

“Well well well!! Aren’t kids the best.” The devil laughed, dodging left and right like a ghost, avoiding all the offensive spells, WHILE chanting in abyssal language

Countless shadowy swords appears, filled the room around our ward, the summoned spirits rushes toward the devil to interrupt, but they just disappeared into the darkness.

“I’d say, you’re all doing way better than that human though, I am genuinely impressed.” The devil laughs, and the dark swords starts to fall in on my ward.

“Hey!! “ in the storm of dark blades, a group of paladins enters followed by Mrs.Flamington and other wizards, “take your prize and go back to hell” the paladins shouts. Since when did paladins became our school security?

“Well, congratulation humans, you all did better than your older fellow, I hope you won’t miss him too much.” He grabbed Mr. Constantine, and bowed as he stepped back into a red portal.

Dark swords, wards, spirits, all disappeared, along gone with the amazing illusion of the paladins and wizards, we all fall to the ground, exhausted.

“That was one hell of a lesson” the last thing I heard myself saying before passing out