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UntakenNameFtw t1_ixwkjyq wrote

"Why aren't you in your dragon form?” the knight in black heavy armor took his helmet off and asked as he stabbed his sword on the ground. Obviously irritated for being belittled and the fact that he was in this cave again, fighting to rescue the princess for the fifth time.

"Are you looking down on me?" He asked threateningly at the dragoness before him. He gave her a death glare.

"How about you just hand over the princess this time. I'm sick of fighting you." The man said heartlessly. He glanced at the princess.

"Don't worry this will be over quickly princess. I'll bring you home in time for you're tea party this afternoon." The knights blue aura of mana exploded as he dashed at the dragoness.

The dragoness with beautiful red hair and silver draconic eyes was dressed seductively in light armor. Her cheeks blushed embarrassingly as well with a bit of annoyance and anger. "Hmph, I don't need my dragon form to face you. You will have to make me change if you dare." She said flustered as she blocked his sword with her transformed hand like claws.

The knight growled. "So be it." And so a fight began as the princess watched tiredly.

This has been the fifth time in the past three months that a showdown has happened between these two. The princess gave an exhausted look at the hopeless dragoness and the incredibly dense knight of hers.

I'm sick of being kidnapped. The princess thought. The first time the princess was kidnapped and saved was when the dragoness fell in love. Something about the way the knight fought fearlessly captivated her that day. The princess was quite surprised when the dragoness showed up in her draconic human form outside the balcony of her room that very same night. The princess could tell the dragoness was embarrassed to ask for help as she practically pleaded with the princess to let her kidnap her again so that she could meet and face him one more time before confessing.

The princess was flabbergasted but thought getting a dragon to owe you a favor would be advantageous to herself and her kingdom so she relented. Then it happened four more times...these passed three months have been eventful to say the least. During this time the dragoness and princess became sorta close as the princess with long flowing blond hair continued to help the dragoness find a way for her own knight to fall in love with her.

But why?!

Why was he so dense?! The princess thought for the umpteenth time today as she looked at the flirtatious fight happening in front of her as the dragon play fought the knight. While the knight carried a small smile. She watched as the dragoness dodged in such a way that showed off her cleavage while the knight tried "seriously" to defeat her. She wanted to palm her face in embarrassment at the two but couldn't as she had to play and act as the damsel in distress. She continued to watch until she simply couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop it, you two. Right now." The dragoness and knight looked at the princess in surprise as they paused their battle mid motion. The princess looked at the knight.

"You, you are very dense. Can't you see what's happening before your eyes?" She practically screamed.

"Huh?" The knight looked bewildered.

"W-wait, Laura, d-don't!" The dragoness cried out as her draconic ears flushed violet.

"First of all, this is the 5th time I've been kidnapped by the same dragon. This should have been you're first clue. Secondly, look at how she is fighting you?! How obvious can it get?! Haven't you read books on dragon mating rituals before?! Don't answer that, it was rhetorical. Of course you haven't. Let me just tell you. When a dragon likes the opposite sex, they fight! Playfully! And lose on purpose!" The princess took a heavy breath in as she continued her rant. The dragoness was speechless as she turned around and crouched down to the floor as if she wanted to disappear. She she casted an invisibility spell on herself. The princess looked over sympathetically at where the now invisible dragoness was.

"I'm sorry but sometimes men can be so incredibly stupid that they don't know what's in front of their eyes unless it's just told out loud honestly. If you won't confess. I'll do it for you. This dragoness likes you okay?!!"

The knight was speechless. His face turned a bit pink as he took all of what she said in.

"I-I see...I-is that so. The dragoness likes me... To be honest I had a hunch but I never acted on it. My job is to protect the princess. My feelings can't get in the way of my duty." He said respectfully. He looked around the cave.

"Umm. If you're still out there...just know...that the feeling is m-mutual." The man replied to the open cave. Suddenly the dragoness appeared again right next to the knight her silver eyes gazed at the knight in pleasant surprise.


"Y-yes. I enjoyed our battles. If you'll have me. Would you give me a chance?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course!" She said almost too eagerly that the knight took a step back.

"Ehem. I mean sure. I'll give you a chance. Human." She turned her face as she was too embarrassed to look at the knight any further.

"Great! But I need to ask. What is your name?" The black knight asked as he smiled in relief. The dragoness looked at him blankly as she tried to recall if she told him her name only to realize she has not. This made her want to crawl in another hole and disappear again.

"You can can call me C-Claire." She stuttered.

"Claire..Claire.." the man mumbled to himself.

"Okay. Claire would you like to join the princess and I for tea?" The man asked on a whim.

"Sure!" The dragoness smiled sweetly while the princess sighed and laughed in relief.

Thank God. I don't need to be kidnapped anymore! And they are kind of adorable. The princess's heart melted at the display in front of her. This was worth it. I'm so amazing. I should become a professional matchmaker... The princess thought cockily as she practically skipped while humming a famous tune as they left the cave.


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixx0z98 wrote

This was a good take on the prompt, I had written it such that the princess figured it out only at the 5th attempt and pulled a wingman.

Also props for making this dude dense and having a hunch, nearly all of us men don't act on the signs

Have a good day writter


UntakenNameFtw t1_ixx1pdz wrote

Thanks! I tried to think of how I'd write it if the princess found out by the 5th attempt at first but couldn't get the creative juices flowing. So I improvised. xD Thanks for reading. I had fun with this prompt. Have a nice day!


Commander_Night_17 OP t1_ixx29q1 wrote

Haha happened to us all I suppose.

I'm glad you had fun, I'm just happy you tried the prompt.