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RolledANat1 t1_iu5r9rr wrote

Supers exist. After the great radiation incident of 1954, an incident that the government tried to cover up, humans have evolved with powers. Some greater, some lesser. And what some choose to do with these powers varies on the person. Those with good and giving hearts tend to go hero mode. Others, with their selfishness and greed, tend to be villains. I am neither. And my power is odd. If you've ever played a game of Dungeons and Dragons, you might get the idea. I have vicious mockery as my power. For those of you who don't understand what that even is, let me explain. I say something insulting, and it causes a physical harm variant of emotional damage in the form of a psychic blast. I can hurt you and your feelings. For a while, I played nice. I was that meek kid, always bullied for not showing a power. Until one day I domed my bully.

Let's start with that incident. My bully, a kid named James Carter, always cornered me and took my lunch money along with his cronies. Since I didn't seem to have a power, they always called me a weakling, power-less. All sorts of names. Now James was a hefty boy, easily 6 feet in high school with muscles, but also a good chunk of weight to him. I think I counted two chins. But he had super strength and I wasn't about to fight him on it. So, after once again getting pushed into my locker, and threatened, and relinquishing my lunch money, I'd had enough. As he walked away, I shouted after him. "Fuck you, lard-ass!" I said. Albeit, a kind of weak comeback, but the man suddenly hit the floor. Hard. He was knocked out. His friends looked back at me. "What the hell did you do?!" they asked, the fast one zipping over to me and grabbing me by the shirt. "Oh nothing, zippy mcfastfeet, just done with all your guys' shit." I said. Boom. Another one down.

The third guy seemed to grow a braincell and ran off. I walked up to my bully and took my lunch money back. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed. People crowded, whispers all around me that maybe I was more powerful than I let on, and wasn't actually powerless. Though a quick glare in their direction sent them all scattering and about their business. Of course, a teacher was called, thanks to the runner. The nurses came and hauled the two away on stretchers and I got pulled in with the principal and guidance counselor. After a talking to and an explanation, they ruled it as an intentional misuse of power and I was suspended for a week.

After that incident, I was left alone. Essentially marked as the quiet kid that might just explode one day and kill everyone. I had no such plans. I skated through school, got great grades, got into college, and now I work a comfy job creating indie games. Though every now and again when a fight happens outside of my apartment, I'll yell at the two. Like today. I heard the sound of a boom, and my window shattered. A sonic blast from a high flying speed. I was careful as I made my way out. The villain had kidnapped the governor and was holding him hostage with a bunch of his cronies.

I ran down the street at my average speed, only to hear the amplified voice of the villain giving a monologue while the hero sat there and did nothing. Was this just cartoon logic? Either way, wasting time. I got in close, despite vigilant protests from the hero. I rolled my eyes and looked at the villain. "Ok, listen here you little shit. I'm going to have to replace my windows again because of you and all of your antics. So cut the shit, the only purpose you serve is to be a nuisance. And by the way, stop it with the monologue. This isn't some Saturday cartoon. You're sub par and quite frankly making yourself look like a jackass." I said, making sure he and his cronies heard me, looked at me, and were in proximity of my ability. Boom. All down. I then turn to the hero. "And you- I get it, you're someone that flies at sonic speeds, but for the love of god, FLY HIGH, because I'm tired of replacing my windows, and your booming flight just caused all of downtown to have a window crisis. And don't just sit there looking stupid with your mouth agape as you listen to that shithead spout garbage and waste time. Could have used that speed, saved time, picked the idiot up and carted him off to prison yourself, in which case the massive load of damage you just caused is justifiable. Moron." I said. Boom. Hero down.

Having said my peace, I walked back to my apartment and began cleaning up the glass and putting boards on my window openings until the glass company could replace them. I was considering moving out to a cabin in the woods because I was tired of this. No hero or villain was going to disrupt me. If they did, they would fully feel the ire and seething venom in my words and be rocked so hard they hurt. After all, as far as the world was concerned, I was just an average Joe, and I wanted to keep it that way unless absolutely necessary. Like today.


FarsLasagne OP t1_iu5uiqk wrote

The whole vicious mockery thing was a very interesting Way to incoperate the bully aspect! And i mean that in a good way, very creative!

There seems to be a typo? It says in one sentence “until one day i domed my bully” which is confusing, Maybe i just forgot a Word tho.

Other than that its super great! I felt a Lot of personality in the Way you wrote it!


RolledANat1 t1_iu642es wrote

no, domed is intentional. basically gamer slang for bashing someone down.


FarsLasagne OP t1_iu66omt wrote

Ah! Guess Im really a fake gamer “girl”


RolledANat1 t1_iu68fc3 wrote

lol eh it's not super common; actually kind of a mid 2011-2017 term. Don't sell yourself short.


FarsLasagne OP t1_iu69y0z wrote

Im not, just wanted to make a Lil joke.

Did you put it there so readers could have a feel for the time Line?


RolledANat1 t1_iu6ar41 wrote

More just putting in my own thinking, the way I would essentially write a journal entry or if I was talking to someone explaining myself.


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