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Tarotgirl_5392 t1_iuda3yi wrote

The tall figure in green stood at the kitchen sink. She hummed gently and placed sparkling clean dishes into the dishwasher as Sasha came from her room.

"Uhh...?" The girl stuttered and looked at the table where Lisa was calmly drinking coffee. The woman at the sink turned and smiled.

"Sasha. Sit and have coffee." She said in a perfect voice that matched her perfect face. "I got the sacrafice from last night and I have come as requested."

"We were- only joking..." Sasha jumped as Lucy slammed her hand on the table and mouthed her to shut up. Sasha sank down into a chair.

"Heather, Mia... you guys better come out here" She called to the other roommates. Looking around, the house was spotless. Did they really invoke the Goddess of clean houses into the apartment?

Mia stumbled out first. Her hair an absolute birds nest, still in her pajama shorts and tank top. She stopped midyawn and looked at the woman in green. Lisa passed her some coffee.

"Remeber when we asked for the Goddess Clroxia? Well... guess who answered." Sasha shrugged and pointed.

Mia groaned. "I'm too hung over to deal with this."

Heather bounded out in a red dress with her makeup perfect, looking ready for a hot date. She froze in place looking at Cloroxia, who was now wiping down the counters.

"Her? I was hoping the Tinder God had come through. I mean no offense-" She added as the Goddess face turned stormy. "It's just been a while..."

"The God of Tinder DID come through. Just after I did." Cloroxia answered. Heather perked up again.

"Great! Where is he?"

Cloroxia smiled. "On a coffee date with your room mate Chase. It seems his sacrafice of chocolate and wine was better than your pitiful flower arrangement."