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IAMFERROUS t1_iugn2fj wrote

Another normal Tuesday for Rob, except it was worse. You see, Rob spends his weekdays working 9-5 in some bureaucratic center doing gods knows what for hours on end. To get there, he drives nearly an hour. To get home, he drives nearly an hour. Thankfully he can generally avoid rush hour on account of the fact that he usually stays late by up to an hour dealing with this or that while everyone else goes home.

Today it was worse because for some reason, his AC had started squeaking. When ever it came on it would start to squeak. When it was running, it would squeak. When he was sleeping you can bet it would be squeaking. He could turn it off and be able to sleep without the noise, but then he'd be at the mercy of the elements. He needed to get someone out to look at it, but the landlord raise the rent again and he needed to make his sure he had something left at the end of the month.

And then there was sudden static on the radio. Rob glanced down at the dash as he assume he had simply drive under something to block the signal.

"People of Earth!," A strange voice called through his car radio, "we have come to liberate you from the rouge AI that has infected your data network. Already we have disabled all of the weapons of mass destruction present upon your world and we shall soon be putting boots on the ground to expunge this threat from your world."

Rob had to pull over for that. What was this? What the hell was an A... no wait an Artificial Intelligence? What? Was this something Google or Microsoft was doing?

"People of Earth, I have just been informed that roughly 1/3 of your population fails to meet to the galactic standards for true sapience, and also you for some reason let that population lead you... Ok, this is a declaration of war against all nation states of Earth for um... Well to those of you humans who have more than two braincells and are able use empathy and long term planning skills fear not, for your liberation has come."


HellStoneBats t1_iugy355 wrote

I'm not even sure I fit under the restrictions of that last paragraph.

Nice job!


[deleted] t1_iuhn820 wrote



ArchipelagoMind t1_iuigiig wrote

Your comment has been removed, per rule 2:

>No explicitly sexual themes; other harmful content

> Avoid racism and detailed uses of suicide, mental health stereotypes, and political debate

You probably meant it as a joke, but still, don't.