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DreamsOfDarkenedHope t1_iu6n49y wrote

The princess stared at the wizard blankly before raising her eyebrows. “These things are always ‘true love shall break the curse’. Who in the worlds curses someone that only being hated would break the curse? It’s super easy to be hated you know.“ She crossed her arms and stared the wizard down.

“It can’t be that easy… A truly murderous hate? A hate so deep that nothing can make them like you?” The wizard question confused beyond belief. He was sure that the princess would struggle with that. After all she was fairly nice, and pretty, and animals seemed to like her at least….

The princess shook her head and sighed. “My father and the knight commander hates me because one was in love with the former queen and oh wait, she’s gone… The new queen hates me for being around. Really every human in the castle hates me for some reason or another.” She sighed plopping herself onto the bed. “A true love curse would take longer and be harder, after all… tower.” She waved her hand vaguely at the room they were in.

“No no. A true love curse wouldn’t work. It’d break immediately because… uh… anyways! How is it that neither would work? I was going to make you cry and beg me to undo it!” The wizards plans were ruined! All because the royal family hated their only princess and he himself was hopelessly in love with her. What could he do now? His whole plan was ridding on the curse.

The princess looked baffled again. “Why wouldn’t it work? No knight or prince is going to come to the tower, you’re the first person I’ve seen in a month.” She raised her eyebrows when the wizard made a nervous squeak at the question. “Wait… are you? Oh my gosh… you’re an idiot.”

The princess got off the bed and put her hands up. “Just kidnap me. It’ll be faster. Come on. Take me to your lair or whatever you have. Anything is better then here.” This was not the result the wizard had anticipated but he’ll take it.


AlltheCopics t1_iu7papr wrote

I was skeptical of the loose writing style at first but you owned it


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_iu8v4bv wrote

> It’d break immediately because… uh…

I think you gave it away too soon


Axyraandas t1_iu86hx8 wrote

Hehehe, I love that this is something I'd do xD I entirely vibe with chu, wizarddddd