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Random3x t1_itxky7k wrote

Ask, and ye shall receive

part 2/2

I make an excuse and leave my colleague to their devices as I make my way to my office. I don’t really want to be exploring whatever this is with an audience watching me. Sitting down at my desk, I close my eyes and return to where I left.

Slowly I make my way through the halls I thought I once knew. Every so often, I would see where an artefact should be was now empty. In every room leading to the area, the message said I should go there were smashed cases. Whoever or whatever has done this clearly wanted my attention.

It is now, I arrive at the entrance, that I can see beyond what usually is a void with only a sign next to the doorway. There now actually is a room. A room I have never stepped in, let alone glanced at. However, It is understandably dim. Lighting clearly is not something on my mind for this subject.

Cautiously edging into the room, I can see displays on the walls. Faint images I can’t make out in the dim light. Looking at them, though, I can only feel a deep dread grow within. I don’t know why but I’m sure whatever memories are attached to these images are not pleasant.

It is as my eyes dart about that I hear it begin. A slow, methodical clap. Something the most stereotypical of villains would do when the hero stumbles into their trap. The room's lights come on all at once, and I am momentarily blinded. Sitting on one of the benches dotted around the museum is… well, it’s me.

“Hello,” other me gives a cheery wave.

“Uh… hello?” My reply is less sure than theres’ is.

“I know you are confused,” he continues. I can’t help but wonder how he knows that I have no tangible form in here.

“I know because I am you,” he beams a smile that seems like what an alien would approximate a human smile to be—more teeth than emotion, almost like a predator eying its prey.

“Who are you really?” my words shake.

“Wowee, impressive you would be so scared of your own mind. But given what I am… I suppose it’s a given.” that same almost predatory smile shines right at me.

“So I smashed up my own mind exhibit?” other me just laughs.

“Yes, though, more because I don’t like playing second fiddle. It gets ever so lonely, only coming out to play once in a blue moon.”

His words give me pause. What is he talking about?

“Come now, surely you noticed? The blackouts? The waking up in odd places? Surely you didn’t think a few beers would do that, did you?”

I had never told anyone about those, though.

“Ok, let me set a few things straight here. I am you. You are me. That thinking in your own head isn’t really doing much.”

“So you’re another me then?”

“I’m probably the original. There’s a reason we don’t keep personal stuff in this place.” he gestures to the museum behind me.

“So what do you want then?”

“Simple. I want full control from now on. The little taste of fun I get is not nearly enough to sate my… well, my need for fun.” the predatory smile returns.

“I-I don’t understand!”

Other me just exhales a deep and exhausted sigh.

“Are you really not looking at the walls? I’m impressed. Then again, these are my contribution to this wing. On that note, I must thank you. Because you never ventured here and only knew the room layout from the map, I had a lovely blank canvas to play with.”

It is now I glance at the walls around me. The images there dozens of people. So much bloo-

I open my eyes and grab the nearest bin to empty my lunch into it.

“OH, GOD!!! Where are those images from?”

“You know where they are from,” an all too real voice next to my ear whispers.


SpaceShipRat t1_itytim1 wrote

ok, but this is just Moon Knight


Random3x t1_itz5sn3 wrote

Goddammit.. that genuinely wasn’t intentional but now i cant unsee it.


SpaceShipRat t1_itz6d83 wrote

lool. I loved that show, crazy moon god is such an original personality.


LillyLiveredLimerick t1_itz4sr6 wrote

Not every person with DID is moon night lmfao


Acrobatic_Lead2578 t1_iu14hux wrote

Well, yeah, but DID combined with the whole "Egyptian section of a museum" and "dangerous alter ego" the character doesn't know about is definitely going to make people think of Moon Knight.