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Robysto7 t1_irp2loi wrote

[Part one. Part two in the comment below.]

The booming thunder shook the walls of the shop, the accompanying flash of lightning unable to penetrate the dark tinted windows. Fluorescent bulbs flickered in the dimly lit aisles. The soft light of the coolers on the shop's perimeter provided most of the illumination. Despite these limitations Vladimir ensured his 'children of the night' could locate the provisions they sought for their late night cravings. The high toned modern klaxon announced the arrival of one.

It was Gerald. A frequent visitor to the shop. He staggered in adorned in a worn out hooded sweatshirt with matching sweatpants. The faded logo of the local high school football team on both pieces of attire. Heavy bags under his thirty one year old eyes. He politely waved to Vladimir as he shambled off down the far aisle. He was going the wrong way. Vladimir took the form of mist and phased through the counter, silently stalking through the shop to retrieve a large jar of crunchy peanut butter and a jar of dill pickle spears. He returned to a corporeal form as he approached Gerald, the pb and pickles hidden under his cape.

"Good evening Gerald. How does ze night find you?"

Gerald yawned loudly and rubbed his face. "Another cravings run. Of course we're out of everything Jen is craving. I'm so damn tired, forgot what I even came in here for." "I believe zis is vhat you are seeking?" Vladimir dramatically swept the cape back revealing the items. Gerald breathed a sigh of relief.

"How do you do that Vlad? You always know what I need when I walk through the doors." Vlad smiled, showing off his long fangs. "Time grants people visdom. Ve shall speak more at ze checkout." Vladimir glided on shadowy bat wings to the counter, phasing through it. Gerald slowly followed behind. "You look like you have not slept a vink in a veek Gerald. You look terrible. Is something veighing on your heart?"

Gerald sighed while trying to locate his wallet, he had forgotten to bring it. "I'm really scared about being a dad. My dad wasn't exactly the best at it. Worried I'm going to make the same mistakes."

"Vehn is ze little one arriving?"

"Any day now."

Vladimir placed his long, spindly fingers on Gerald's shoulder. He searched Gerald's heart, he was a good man, he was worried over nothing. "There is no room for fear in your heart, all I sense is love. Do not confuse the two. Allow me to pay for your items, you left your vallet in ze nursery after double checking ze safety precautions you put in place for ze new arrival." Vladimir quickly bagged the two items and slid them over the counter.

"Thanks Vlad. You always know what to say, feel like I'm going to be coming to you for advice forever."

"I hope you do. I shall always man my post during ze evenings."

Gerald exited the establishment with haste, a renewed energy in his step. Scott and Todd had entered the shop during the encounter. Local teenagers, they were unusually early this evening for their munchie run. Four forty-ounce beers, two bags of nacho cheese Doritos, and a large bag of sour patch kids. Scott looked upset, Todd wore a sly smirk.

"Sup' Vlad?" Scott said flatly.

"How does ze night find you young gentlemen?"

"Okay I guess." Scott said.

Todd laughed. "He's just butthurt cause this super hottie completely shut him down at Fred's party. He had to turn tail and run she shut him down so bad."

"Shut the fuck up bro!" Scott yelled.

"Calm down young gentlemen! No yelling in ze shop. Tell me young Scott, how did zis so called 'super hottie' spurn your advances?"

"I thought it was clever. I asked her to see if she could call my phone since my buddy borrowed it and then ghosted me. So she called it but I still had it in my pocket. So I answered it and asked if she wanted to go make out."

"You attempted to gain zis voman's love through trickery and deception?" Vladimir asked with disdain.

"Oh no, here it comes." Todd said dejectedly.

Vlad stood up tall, he towered over the two boys. "Ze first time I laid eyes on my beloved Leona she vas valking through the town square. She vas the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Or vill see. I rushed from the balcony of my manor to her side. I professed to her that my heart had gone cold from a lifetime of searching for a companion, but her visage caused an eruption of passion so fierce that Vesuvius was put to shame. Zhat together ve vould conquer ze heavens, ze earth, and anything else that lies beyond."

Todd backhanded Scott in the chest. "Told you Vlad was a pimp. You definitely would have been ridin that booty if you had his swag."

Vladimir quickly scanned the items and completed the transaction, visions of his beloved Leona ran in his mind. "Sorry about your rejection young Scott. Enjoy your youth vile it persists. You shall find love one day. Todd I really can't say ze same for you. Good evening young gentlemen.


Robysto7 t1_irp477i wrote

As the two young men left the high toned modern klaxon rang out again. Vladimir sighed, he wanted a period of quiet to lament his beloved Leona. It was only Brian, Vladimir procured three packs of cigarettes and rang them up. "Evening Vlad may I please have three packs of....oh shit thanks." Brian placed the rest of his items on the counter. A two liter of mountain dew, a neopolitan ice cream sandwich, and a bag of flaming hot cheetos.

"Good evening Brian, how does ze night find you?"

"Kinda shitty, the new patch ruined everything. My main got completely nerfed into the ground, been on a losing streak since this morning. Chat's chill about it though and the donos have been good so I really shouldn't complain. Why would they nerf Crimson's sweep distance, it was already mid-tier if anything you would nerf....." As Brian rambled on two more people in hooded sweatshirts slunk into the shop. Vladimir sensed their ill intentions. He placed his hands on Brian's shoulders and stared into his eyes.

"Brian you are going to go lie down in ze employee break room and take a nap. Vile you slumber you vill have a most amazing dream. It vill solve this little problem you are having. You shall not vake from ze dream until I summon you."

"Yes my master." Brian disappeared into the break room behind the counter. Vladimir called out to the two people roaming the aisles of the shop.

"Good evening lady and gentleman. Is there anything I can do to assist you this evening?" "Give us all the money in the register and the safe! Now!" The gunman yelled. Vladimir smiled. He put his hands up and spread his black bat like wings out. "Take your best shots. Better assassins than you have tried."

Gunfire erupted, the two glocks were modified with giggle switches, they emptied their clips quickly. A swarm of bats surrounded the two robbers, every shot they fired missed. Vladimir reformed from the swarm and gently touched the female robbers lips. She removed her hood and pulled her mask down, her face pockmarked and scarred. She was frozen. Vlad did the same to her accomplice, he followed suit. The same pockmarked visage. Vlad floated behind the woman and smelled her hair, smelled like cigarettes. He opened wide and placed his fangs on her neck. Thunder clapped. The lights in the shop went out. Red emergency lights bathed the shop in crimson light. Vladimir floated behind the man and placed his hands on his shoulders. The man's heart was filled with conflict. He needed a good scare.

"Your partner vas beautiful once, vasn't she?" Vlad asked.

"She still is." The robber was compelled to tell the truth.

"I'm going to feast on her blood, vhen I do that she shall become my slave for all eternity. Every whim, every desire of mine she vill fulfill. I shall make you vatch that, you vill be powerless to stop it. Then I vill let you go, and you vill curse god as I once did. Then you shall know true cruelty, you shall know true punishment for your greed. That is the price you must pay for intruding in my shop. I've grown fond of ze mortals here, zhey do not know my true nature. Cannot have bandits robbing me blind, I need repeat customers. Not petty thieves."

The two thieves spoke in unison. "We're sorry, we'll leave."

"And you shall not return. Or my vengeance shall be swift." Vladimir gently led the thieves out of the shop, returning them to the rainy night. He snapped his fingers. The lights came back on. "You may arise from your dream Brian!"

Brian stretched and yawned loudly as he returned to the spot he had been standing in before the attempted robbery. "So where was I? know I thought of a way around the sweep problem because the patch did charge his standing medium startup frames......"

Vladimir floated over to the slushee machine and poured himself a large cherry slushee. He listened to Brian rant, the mortals were nothing if not entertaining.


YellowBoilerSuit t1_irq42i9 wrote

So, he gave the thieves and ultimatum or he actually drained her? I couldn't tell. Otherwise this was fun :D