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illiagorath t1_itgnsgk wrote

You’ve got mail!

A new assignment. I don’t get much say in the matter for my targets. My manager is the one that operates the business off the dark web for me. He knows that I get my job done and we both get paid. No one knows how I take out my targets, hell, I barely understand it myself. This life-style chose me, not the other way around.

Assignment: California Politician Location: New York Square (for holiday) Style: The Special Date: December 22, 6 pm. 3 days. Name: James Winrow Description: 6’4” Caucasian Male, short black hair, butt chin with mole under left eye. Of course a picture is sent along with the description.

I pack a few bags and book a plane for New York. I intend to stay there several days. Not because the target is for 3 days from now, but to not look suspicious. I’m going on holiday.

The flight was bittersweet. I got an annoying kid behind my seat. He was constantly crying and yelling the whole flight. At least until the middle of the night when he started gasping for air. I was easily woken up not being able to sleep comfortably to begin with, and I knew right away what was going on. I grabbed for my overhead bag and pulled out the spare epi. He was back to normal in just a minute. The mother who was panicking was grateful. We exchanged pleasantries and information so she can show her appreciation in the future. This is the third time that’s happened. But it got the kid to quiet down for the rest of the flight.

Finally I make it to the hotel. I could relax for a bit. The 22nd came around quick but the jet lag worked in my favor. I was wide awake at 6pm. Ready to head to New York Square and search for tall and handsome. He wasn’t hard to find. He was surrounded by regular people and security all causing a minor commotion but nothing too grandiose.

But then, another message from Mr. Manager. “Reservation at Carmine’s for 7pm” Nothing new, Mr. Manager always has my back and things don’t go smoothly right from the start. James and his wife must be going to Carmine’s for dinner. Might as well have a good dinner on my own holiday. I was sat with a direct view of James. I stared and stared. Eventually, it happened again. The wall slammed into James so suddenly it didn’t even register he was instantly dead. Totally unexplainable, it’s not like some drunk driver drove through the wall, it simply exploded and crushed only him. The wife, other guests, staff, no one else was hurt.

No one was allowed to leave. I didn’t expect it to be such a massive impact, then again I still don’t understand how it all works myself. I was checked out by EMTs and questioned by police. I locked eyes with a man wearing a grey suit. Not police but had the authority of one. I heard him say something about me when I was finally allowed to leave.

You’ve got mail!

Assignment: Cartel Mobster Location: Florida Miami Beach Style: Accident Date: July 15, 2pm. Tomorrow Name: Bill Asher Description: 5’7” Caucasian Male, bald, scar across nose, jewelry usually, tattoo on right fist says “Ally” across the nuckles. No picture, but the description should be plenty.

I would have preferred a plane but sometimes driving is simply how you have to do things. On the way there another incident occurred. I was gasing up at a station and decided to go inside for a drink. I wasn’t thinking too hard just running a monotonous kind of errand so to speak. Just before getting out of the car the lights inside went dark. There was only one other car there so it had to be the person working there. I walked inside and in the darkness I could see an elderly man having a seizure right in front of the register. I honestly couldn’t be bothered. I picked up a drink from the cooler, pressed the silent alarm behind the counter that every station has, and just went on my way.

I was tired after a several hour drive, but I knew the main part of the job was done. Odd to think about given this is a hitman job, the driving was the hard part. It didn’t take me long to scour the beach for the short bald man. He had a full crew with him. I’d have to keep my distance, but there was a lot to do at and near the beach, all I had to do was be able to see him. Or maybe it’s within ear shot, or just in the vicinity, honestly hard to say. But I just kept an eye on him and his crew.

Eventually they decided to go to some clubs, it was obvious they were getting high and doing all sorts. I kept my cool and didn’t stand out as best I could. What I wasn’t expecting was that Bill and his whole damn crew would keel over all at once. Some kind of electric shock from a nearby base amp shot out towards the crew and struck all of them at once. Live together, die together was all I could think.

Once again, people weren’t allowed to leave. What do you know, Mr. Grey Suit locked eyes with me just as he did before. I could tell he recognized me, I just had to hope he didn’t know where. It had been several months so what are the odds he remembers. A lot more questioning and rummaging through property as a person of interest wasn’t that great. But eventually I was let go.

In my jacket was an envelope. I opened it in the car. “From: Mr. M” I opened up the envelope and inside was 20k in cash. I might need a new manager.