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1amCorbin t1_jd3ncnm wrote

"Sure, the payments are often in jewels or ancient forms of currency, but if you know the right people you can do well with the exchange rate!"

The intern blinked at me in confusion and I let out a sigh. Not everyone is cut out for this line of work. It's genuinely more work than any other tech job you can get.

You have odd hours, a less knowledgeable clientele, and you have to do work on the back end for a lot of the benefits to be actually beneficial -such as, finding a reliable money launderer who doesn't mind converting drachme into USD.

The main benefit was ahem social. Half of us support people are monster fuckers, the other half want to become monsters... and also fuck monsters.

But even without those benefits, you still get the chance to travel a lot and challenge yourself. Not every IT person gets to install ethernet into Eastern European castles or find ways to help an aquatic being with their internet access.

We'd just have to see if the newbie was up to the challenge.