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suicidle-seal t1_jdoynpa wrote

"W-why?" More so than a word the question came out of my mouth as a gasp of air. My lungs have been punctured and yet the physical sensation of pain failed to startle me as my mind was in much further despair than what any pain could have brought it.

Yet she still heard my plea. She answered "Why? Must you truly question my reason for punishing you in this manner? Or has your mind truly degraded to the point that you do not see the hypocrisy and naivety in your voice?" Her tone was cold like the thin metal blade edging itself in between my cracked ribs. As she spoke her purple, wet lips practically danced on her crimson-red face as if a graceful butterfly or perhaps the petals of an exotic flower in the gentle breeze of the wind. Behind those pearly yet also milky teeth hid her long tongue. That even as it spat such hurtful words still seemed so gentle and full of care like a mother cat bathing her kitten.

She frowned. I panicked. Why? Why was she unhappy? Her statue-esque face ruined by the wrinkles on her cheek. Like cracks and tears they appeared on her forehead. And the lines underneath her eyes sullied her godlike beauty. "Disgusting" her voice reverberated through my ears and as if an endless echo the word kept repeating over and over in my mind. "It seems I was incorrect. I would usually ask for your forgiveness after I made an error in my judgement. Especially so when the error is major. Yet it seems that my fury has gotten the best of me and I no longer see you as someone who deserves my politeness. I claimed that it was your love that was to blame for your fate at the tip of my sword. But that is incorrect. In truth, it is your lust. Your mindless fascination with me. Your eyes that dart around groping my body are no better than a flea bitten mutt that is humping it's hips, grinding at the leg of it's master. You are nothing more than a pathetic animal. Unable to overcome your wild impulses. Controlled by instinct rather than reason."

Her entire body was filled with hatred. Her long smooth arms that were envied by even the prettiest of swans had tensed. Why? Her slender fingers strained as they clutched at the handle of the weapon. Why? Her straight back that carried with her, her royal air was hunched. Why? Her succulent thighs and her strong yet brittle in appearance legs seemed contorted at the unsightly tense angle they were in. Why? Why? Why?! Why must she tarnish her figure?! Why much she betray my love like so?! Why does she dare to pollute what is rightfully mine?!

"You're fucking sick and you have no fucking clue, do you?" With those words she plunged the metal through me. A cold shiver froze over my body. Not for the reason that the blade had made it's exit through my spine. Rather because it she was gone. My love. My muse. My goddess had vanished with the disappearance of her eloquent speech and the wiping of that aura that magnified her matriarchal stature.

So in my final moments...

I could not help but loathe that heinous slag!


mdkubit OP t1_jdw6eew wrote

That was chilling, and very well done. Thank you! o.o


suicidle-seal t1_jdzlj6f wrote

I live of validation given to me by strangers on the internet so thanks a bunch! :)