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PM_ME_SMALL__TIDDIES t1_jby88hu wrote

And thats exactly the point of jetlag.

If you are in the US your body is used to sun raising at x and setting at y.

Then you go to somwhere in asia, and it becomes x-8 and y-8. And you get confused.

The guys body would be used to earth conditions, and now is somewhere way further and disoriented.


Aozora404 t1_jbzpj95 wrote

Counterpoint, you don’t say miles of jet lag


LeonardoDeQuirm t1_jc05zex wrote

You usually don't, but if I read the phrase "3,000 miles of jetlag", I would have a pretty good idea what they implied.


dschoni t1_jc2a1gy wrote

Interstellar travel does not automatically imply any difference of sunrise and sundown. Actually it doesn't even imply any sunrise or sundown at all, or given length of day to be anything close to what it is on earth. I'm just saying, light-year is a unit of distance and all fellow humans I know measure Jetlag in units of time as in "I'm still x hours behind".


drislands t1_jby41qt wrote

Have you ever been a trainer in a rock gym, by chance?