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Taolan13 t1_jd2ddhb wrote

Reading this and seeing "Sprout" i couldnt help but think of XIV.

I kind of wish I could go back to those days, go back to being a Sprout. Seeing everything with fresh eyes, experiencing it all for the first time...

I am very guilty of doing exactly what Sprout did here. Clearing the entire notice board before moving on. Learning and experiencing everything every area had to offer.

Heck, I even get a little nostalgic for 1.0 sometimes, as gobshite of an experience as it was. Just because it was new back then, and so little feels new now...


djayh t1_jd2uz45 wrote

You're not the only one. I started the game fully spoiled through the end of Shadowbringers. The number of times I've stalled out because I'm dreading what happens next... is honestly a little embarrassing. Like, I just got done leveling WHM 0-70 so I could putting off meeting with Alisaie and >!Gabu!< outside of the Maelstrom (after which I basically speed-ran through to >!Amh Araeng to get her back!<).