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Tregonial t1_j9t11s4 wrote

"Star Spotting Inc here, how may I help you?" Claire tried her best to sound cheerful and helpful over the phone.

"Hi, I'm Karen Howard. So, I made a wish on a wishing star I spotted when I signed up for your tour package, and now I'm stuck in some slice-of-life with some plain Joe who wouldn't stop mowing his lawns. I want a refund and a teleport back to where I was!"

"Ms Howard, according to our database, the wishing star has successfully fulfilled your wish. We do not offer refunds for successful wishes, only wishes that failed. You are in the world of your favourite anime, Saiunkoku Monogatari, as you wished."

"I didn't ask for a modern version of Saiunkoku! I didn't ask to see Jake, I wanted to hang out with the hot guys like Seiran and Shuuei! I want to speak with your manager! NOW!" Karen was getting frustrated over the phone.

"Our manager is currently busy at the moment, perhaps you could wish upon a wishing star if you see one. It would really help if you could be much more specific about your wishes, most of our genies are still relatively new at the job and do not fully comprehend human desires."

"Then you grant my wish to get back home this instant or I am going to downvote your app in Google Play!" Karen retorted.

"Ms Howard, I do not have the power to grant wishes. What I can do..." Claire didn't get to finish speaking when Karen slammed down the phone on her.

Claire hastily dialed an extension of her colleague. "Shemhuresh, I noticed that you granted the wish of a Ms Karen Howard when she wished upon a wishing star. Could you explain why her wish turned out the way it did? I would like to write her an email to provide an explanation."

"Yo Claire, I swear I did muh homework before granting that wish, but lemme tell ya, that Karen ain't gonna last one day if I dropped her into medieval China what with all the scheming and assassination attempts in the Imperial Court of Shi Ryuuki. I just made some adjustments to ensure I fulfilled her wish in a safe manner without her dying or getting embroiled in complex politics.

It would really suck ass if a customer got badly injured or died, don't ya agree? Better to be downvoted than sued to oblivion, yo."