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mildlycelestial t1_j7qasv9 wrote

It’s nearly two in the morning when my phone rings. I frown, it’s set to do not disturb. The only calls that could come through must be emergencies. I’ve been up all night working on my latest weapon, I am NOT in the mood to speak to anyone, but for some reason I answer the phone regardless. “What.” I hiss, clearly displeased that I’ve been disturbed. What I hear next though, is a surprise.

“H-hi, I’m so sorry for this, I just… I just need someone right now. Um, you’re Cobra, right?” Almost every other word is interrupted with a sniffle or small cry.

“Yes… I’d assume you’d know that if you have this number. Who am I speaking to that’s calling me at this hour, crying?”

“Um, it’s Pristine. I um, I know we’ve never fought before, and I got your number through someone else, so you’re kinda my only chance right now. I’m so sorry, I just- I don’t have anyone else to ask. My parents kicked me out and killed my dog, I need somewhere to go. Can I stay with you? I promise I won’t interrupt any of your stuff or bother you or try to fight you- I promise! I just… I don’t want to be on the streets.”

Pristine, a new hero from what I remember. Young, bold, cocky. She always had some sort of one liner or witty remark, a trademark of young and hubristic heroes. But here she’s completely different. She’s meek and quiet, quite literally begging me to take her in. It catches me so off guard I’m silent for a second. “You… you’re asking me to let you stay with me?”

“I am.” She confirms. “There’s no one else I can turn to, it’s just you. I understand why you wouldn’t, but- but- I’m so lost right now, I don’t have any other options. Am I repeating myself? I’m sorry.” She babbles apologies for a little longer before I cut her off.

“Where are you? I’ll come and get you. We’ll set some ground rules when you’re safe with a roof over your head. Hang tight, alright? Just don’t… don’t do anything stupid.” I fight to quell the rage burning in me. She’s just a child, all things considered. A child who’s pet was murdered and who was kicked out of her home, the place she’s supposed to be safest. It’s dangerous on the streets, no place for someone like her, even with her powers. I track her location from the call and set off, making a note to pay a visit to her parents. Who knows, maybe I’ll wind up with a sidekick?