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grudthak t1_j8loqv9 wrote

The Arrangement had been going on between us for long enough that it earned the capitlisation of its' name. The Spectre would kidnap me, take me to his (current) lair and hold me until I was rescued. Sure, over time that has evolved into a text message 24 hours prior, my agreement to only put up a struggle when we were in the public eye, and he makes sure I am comfortable and fed before things get exciting; but that's why we call it The Arrangement after all.

Some folks will say... things; mean things about it. They have said that its all an elaborate ruse to cover an affair - something my ex was all-too-happy to believe when he ran off with that Hooters Waitress. Others called in a professional psych who claimed I had Stockholm Syndrome and a CNC fetish... ew!

But put-simply, we have a professional agreement and understanding; before he kidnapped me the first time, The Spectre had a hard go of it - hostages who had delusions of being Bruce MacLaine, and ended up like Hans Gruber...

Oh the movie reference? Yeah, thats what I do to pass the time in captivity; we watch movies together.

He's getting fidgety though, we already watched The Matrix AND Matrix Reloaded; not gonna lie - I hope we are interrupted with a rescue soon; or we will have to sit through Revolutions.

He's on the phone again to the Police Commissioner, repeating his demands; but I am noticing his heart isn't in it now, what's going on?

"They aren't coming"

"Wait, what do you mean They aren't coming?"

He shakes his head, I have only ever seen him this dejected once before, and that was when Ghost-Dog got ran over by a police car. This is... Awkward

"They worked out The Arrangement; they are refusing to either pay ransom or rescue you. They are calling you an accomplice."

Okay, this is worse; I have never seen him like this before, so hurt, so disappointed, so vulnerable... so hot?

Oh shit

"Well, if that's how they want this to play out..."

I reach out and touch his hand

"Maybe we can give it a try..."

He looks at me, his face hardening, shit - did I go too far? Suddenly he drops to one knee.

And pops me the question...

"I know this is sudden but... Would you sidekick me?"


99tsumeIcantsolve1 t1_j8luwb3 wrote

Why call them Bruce McClane, only to then not call them Alan Gruber or Hans Rickman?


chucklesthepaul88 t1_j8mlt6q wrote

What are you talking about? John Willis was an amazing actor for that role!


Potikanda t1_j8nxkfz wrote

"Uh, are you sure?"


"Oh. Well, okay."

does roundhouse kick



mekkanik t1_j8m6y5b wrote

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…… that was awesomest


[deleted] t1_j8nkjn1 wrote



JetsonlikeElroy t1_j8nuf4b wrote

Why did you immediately believe it was an attempt to kink shame and not a dig at TV psychologists who diagnose without actual information about the patient?