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Real_Ad8070 t1_j9aw7ct wrote

“General, we believe we have identified a country with significant power and resources we can control.” “Good job Commander, what is it?” “Well sir they call themselves ‘The United States of America,’ it appears to be some sort of republic that is ruled by a group of people who make the laws but only one person decides if these laws actually go in place or not. This is our target Theodore Roosevelt.” The Commander holds up a picture for the general to see. “Good job Commander. Abduct him at once and hold him in interrogation room one for containment and brainwashing.” “At once sir.”

The Commander goes down to where his team is located, right outside interrogation room one. “Ok team we have been given the green light to abduct Theodore Roosevelt. Do this right and we will have control of an entire country and soon the planet.” One of the aliens flicks a switch and a green light appears in interrogation room one “Commander there’s a problem.” “What is it private?” “It appears another life form has been caught in the abduction process, sensors indicate it is known to humans as a ‘Bull-Moose.’” “No matter, just send the other life form into interrogation room two. I will send a team down there to investigate and see if it has potential to be of use or if it will be better off terminated.” “Right away sir.”

The abduction process completes and a guy who does not look that impressive is left in interrogation room one. “All this for one weak human” the commander mutters annoyed. “I am much more worthy then this feeble assignment I just wish the Empress could see the same” the commander mutters to himself. “You all can go down to interrogation room two, I will deal with this human myself.” “Sir yes sir” the staff says in unison as they make their way down the hallway to interrogation room two. The commander types in his code and the door to interrogation room one opens. “Hello. You must be Theodore Roosevelt leader of the United States. I am Commander Algeon of the Galactic Milky Way Empire. Let's make this easy shall we?” Algeon says condescendingly. “Agree to submit to my Empress and our empire will give you all the resources you will need to take over your feeble world. We will even make you a lord of Earth and you will be free to rule unopposed by anyone. What do you say?”

Theodore Roosevelt thinks for a while then says “It’s Teddy.” Algeon, a bit confused, says “What?” Teddy Roosevelt gives a slight smile and says “You will call me Teddy Roosevelt, soon to be President Teddy Roosevelt of the United States of the Milky Way. Submit to me and renounce your Empress and I promise I won’t hurt you.” Enraged Algeon says “How dare you speak to me in that way I shall have y-” Algeon is suddenly cut off by alarms buzzing on the ship. “Those incompetent fools probably couldn’t contain the moose. We will talk later.” As Algeon is turning to leave Teddy Roosevelt suddenly gets up and punches Algeon through the door. More alarms start blaring as Teddy Roosevelt walks out of the broken door and says “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” When Teddy Roosevelt fully clears the door he looks to his left and sees a bunch of aliens trying to stun the bull moose that is throwing them around like rag dolls. Teddy Roosevelt thinks to himself “This will be way too easy.”

He walks over to where the moose is and pushes a few aliens out of the way, one soldier who has a cattle pronged like object says “Hey you shouldn’t be here go back to your cell or I will shoot!” Teddy Roosevelt picks up this alien and easily throws him aside on top of a group of aliens. Teddy Roosevelt picks up what looks to be a sword off the ground and mounts the moose. “There there, no need to be afraid we have aligned interests. Now go that way!” The moose takes off up the stairs and makes his way to the bridge. The general hears all of the commotion and sees Teddy charging up the stairs on top of a moose and holding a Sword.

“What the hell is that? Did that bumbling commander really mess up this bad?” The general picks up his own sword and trips the moose. Teddy Roosevelt goes flying but lands on his feet. The general says “I am the general of this fleet and this ends here. You will either submit to us or die.” Teddy Roosevelt says “I don’t think so. You are to either leave and never come back to earth or I will fight and kill you with my bare fists and take this fleet for the United States.” Teddy Roosevelt throws his sword to the side. The general smirks and says “Attention everyone on this ship. I am going to fight and kill this weak human. If he somehow manages to kill me with nothing but his bare fists you are to obey his every word.” The general then runs at Teddy Roosevelt and violently swings his sword. Teddy Roosevelt ducks under the blade and punches the general in the back of the head. Killing him instantly. Teddy Roosevelt then announces to the ship “Attention everyone. Our first stop is the capital building in Washington DC where I will officially make all of you soldiers of America and you will share your technology with us. After that we will go on a mission and overthrow the Empire which will be reformed into the Galactic Republic!” Roars of applause fill the ship.