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curse1304 t1_j7brxak wrote

After the bombing of Los Alamos and Washington, Japan rose to power and humanity have entered the modern technological era. Japan ruled the world for a decade. Until their culture are deeply embedded to all colonized countries, Japan gave them freedom. But that is all people thought.

The world is still being run by a secret order known as the Shadow walkers - Kageoka. It is known that the same order was behind the bombing of Los Alamos, when the kageokas sabotaged the manhattan project in New Mexico. And the same bomb was used to drop in Pentagon, destroying the rising power of the old United States.

But due to stretched too thin, Japan seize to colonize after that tragic moment. And all the rest of European countries began to fear Japan. United States was later named United Japanese Territories of America.

The Japanese culture was then introduced widely to the rest of the world. Not just US, but all countries in East Asia. Strict working practices were implemented, working hours was changed to 12 hrs. And innovations are highly encouraged by the government. Even schools and educational systems were fashioned in the Japanese educational system.

But due to these strict work conditions, all Japanese territories were boosts into modernization. Major cities have advanced technologies, connected by the fastest trains ever built. Passports were obsolete between Japanese territories. Though ten years after the world war 2 ended, all these countries gained freedom, the Japanese influence is so strong, these countries remain close allies with each other.

You began to think why is that? Of course they have their own leaders and law makers, definitely one of these countries will have their own laws that would prevent anyone from traveling freely to their country.

But no one is truly free within these countries, the shadow government, still controls us. An office building exploding was masked as a gas leak incident. But according to my friends in this subreddit, the owner of that business was known to have scammed many clients. Another was senator Morgan, who was found dead in her house. Rumor has it, she’s pro borders. After her death, no one wants to pass the bill.

They are not just assassins, they are known to be the best saboteurs. Two years ago, it was reported on an international news, that a man named Kim, Jung un died together with five other people in a fire, in his residential house in Korea. It is rumored that they were planning to overthrow the Korean Prime Minister to give the leadership to the descendant of Kim Il-sung.

Similar thing happened to a group of communist conspirators in China. Every members were killed and masked like a suicide or accident.

The Kageoka is a very systematic organization. They have ranking systems in place. The entry level, are known as Genin, they were given day jobs, investigators, police, guards, even store keepers. Any jobs that would require observations. Next were the Chunin, they have higher authoritative positions. Government and military positions, they gave the missions to the Genin from the higher ranks. The next higher up are the Jonin, they were the leaders, of this shadow government. They can be Prime Ministers, or Deputy Prime Ministers, they can also be anyone who works closely the country leaders. They can be Generals, Senators, or even company CEOs. The descendants of the founders of the largest corporations ruling over the previous territories of Japanese Empire. And they all are reporting directly to the Kage Kami - the shadow leader. No one knows who he is or who she is. All I know, is that, i’m risking my life putting this information here.

I know they’re after me. So, i’m making sure, everyone will know about them before they could even take me. Hopefully, this subreddit will help me expose them.
