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Crystal1501 t1_ja3bqxi wrote

I enter the hotel for my first day official day, having gone through a 'trial week'. I'm not naïve, I know that I'm working with... 'interesting' clientele. Vampires would sniff me out, beastmen would try to scare me, demons would encourage me to make a deal with them. My favourite was a succubus who specifically requested I 'look after' her and attempted to get me to sell my body to her. I actually wanted to entertain her, but company policy is we don't get 'too personal' with guests, which I told her. She promised she'd meet me after work one day.

Anyway, none of this bothered me, I saw it as a challenge and a way to expand my knowledge of the world. I took everything in stride, and now I'm ready to start for real. I'm caught off-guard, however. A skeletal figure stands right in front of me. "Come to my office please, Myers." I follow the being.

I try to figure out what's happening, then it clicks: I was told that the boss is impatient and unkind, and as a human I'm in a lot of danger. Now, if it were just a skeleton, I would brush it off as hazing.

I enter the office first, taking a seat in the chair. I hear the door deadbolt shut behind me. I gulp, knowing I could die, right here, right now. As he sits across from me, I can no longer hold it in:

"You're a lich, aren't you?"

"Very clever, human. Your co-workers tried hard to act like they didn't know, but I received lots of feedback mentioning a human. I knew it had to be my new hire."

I nod slowly. "So is this where you kill me for my life essence or something? Silence me AND maintain your immortality?"

He chuckles, his bones clacking loudly together. "Ordinarily, yes. I've had humans hired by accident before. Always makes me tingle with excitement, but..." he puts a folder on the desk. "As I mentioned, your 'type' was mentioned in reviews. You were quite popular."

I open the folder. 'Best service I ever had, and it came from a human! - 5/5' 'Who knew a human could be so fun to chat with? No fear whatsoever! Would have liked fresh sheets though - 4/5' 'Fun and respectful employees, especially that human who was prepared to let me feed - 5/5'

I look up. "I was very impressed by your results, Myers. Why should I kill such a great employee? Not only is it hard to find good workers these days, but you've already become popular! It would be a terrible idea to get rid of you! With that being said, the hotel's secrets CANNOT get out. How much do you value your soul?"

I shrug. "If I valued it much, I wouldn't be so unbothered being here."

The lich laughs. "You really ARE a strange one! In which case, you'll want to get yourself comfortable living among our kind."

"Can you make arrangements for my accommodation?"

"I don't think I need to." He turns a couple pages and points a bony finger at a specific review. 'Too bad I couldn't get closer to that human; he was charming, cute, funny, and I'd come back just to see him! - 5/5'

I smirk. "The succubus?"

"Yes. I heard a little rumour that you were considering her offer... well done for sticking to policy, but outside working hours is YOUR business. Of course you could say no to one of my best customers; I could also change my mind on letting you live."

"You wouldn't?" I'm scared, but I want to try to catch him out if I can, 'establish' myself, so to speak.

The lich grins. "Are you trying to test me?" He stands up, a hand reaching out.

I shrink back. "Well... kind of? I didn't mean to offend..."

"Very bold. I like your style. But I did mean what I said. After all, what will you do for living arrangements without the succubus? Take the offer, or I can't trust that you'll figure a way to live with us. So?" He tilts his hand from a shoulder-grabbing position to a handshake position.

Realising that my life really IS on the line, I dive for the hand. "I'd be honoured."


Thank you for reading! More stories here!


Crystal1501 t1_ja61ffw wrote

I ended up working for half a day. My boss wants me to get settled into my new home, everything has already been organised. All I need to do is follow the succubus, Temptress, home.

I take a deep breath as I step out of the hotel, knowing my life will NEVER be the same again. "Hey, Myers" Temptress purrs, licking her lips.

I gulp, I can feel myself going red. "H... hi..."

She laughs and grabs my hand. "Don't be so nervous! You're mine now! I'll take good care of you!" She begins pulling me away towards her home, hidden within the nearby forest.

Every magical creature lives within the forest, houses dotted here and there. She opens the door and drags me inside. She bolts the door shut, instantly stripping. "So... want to get to it?"

"Umm..." I have no clue how to respond, my eyes drawn to her exposed chest.

Temptress kisses my cheek. "How about some food first? I like my prey to have their energy."

I nod, food being what I wanted to ask for. She smiles warmly and heads to the kitchen. I just sit down in the armchair. After a short while of me trying to figure out what to do, she comes back through with a delicious-smelling stir fry. I muster up my courage. "You're a succubus. You're not just simply prepared for my arrival, are you?"

Temptress smirks. "Smart. You're right; all the ingredients I have are enchanted, designed to increase lust and cause my victim to relax. Makes it easier to feast."

I'm feeling nervous, but it's not like I have much choice. She seemed to notice, as her face falls. "Do you want to leave? I can smooth it over with Xorgo. I mean, normally I don't care, but also, normally, I make sure humans are comfortable enough before coming over."

"...I guess I'm just worried what will happen to me."

She sits on the arm of the chair, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. When I satisfy myself, the human loses their soul, but I don't HAVE to take a person's soul, I can take your energy instead. It's not as 'filling' for me, but since you'll ALWAYS be here, I don't mind."

I look at her, she smiles reassuringly. I smile in return. "Ok, I trust you." I begin eating. It's very tasty. Before I know it, the plate is empty. I find myself looking at Temptress the same way she had been eyeing me. "Should we... head to the bedroom?" It was a half-conscious decision.

She stands up, grinning like a hungry predator. "Come on then" her sultry voice commands. I feel strong enough to resist. I have no reason to. I follow her through, and strip myself down. I get onto the bed, Temptress follows suit. She runs her finger from my shoulder down my arm, stopping at my hand and grabbing it. She does the same on the other side, then stretches both arms away from my body. She holds my arms down as she gives me several kisses. I feel my breath being taken away.

The last thing I remember before passing out is her beginning the main event...


I wake up exhausted, but I have work to get to. Temptress has a drink prepared for me, designed to increase energy and blood activity.

I arrive at work, and see my boss. "Good morning, Myers! You look a little worse for wear..."

"You can thank one of your best customers for that" I respond shyly.

"I figured. Did she treat you well?"

"Very, sir. She even had a cup of coffee prepared for this morning so I could come into work."

He slaps me on the shoulder. "Good lad. Now, why don't you get started for today?"

I nod, determined to prove to my boss, Temptress AND myself that I can do this. After all, my life's in a pretty good place!


Strange_guy_9546 t1_ja5fqjd wrote



SolidBiker3000 t1_ja60jvp wrote

Someone translate


Derpderp05 t1_ja68mrz wrote

Just a minute