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Ace_Up_Your_Sleeves t1_j9i00qx wrote

I don’t think it’s dystopian. If people are still free, but corruption is gone through humane means, what’s the actual problem?


DragonLordAcar t1_j9i0kd2 wrote

With ADAM, there is no privacy. Many would rise up to fight it even if it is a pointless endeavor. This would lead to martial law.

Even if this scenario did not happen, imagine the fear of your ordinary citizen when they now fear that that mean comment they left on a a platform last week could potentially have them marked as a criminal. Even if this is false, the fear remains. The stress would apply to everyone and soon productivity and mental health would take a nose dive.

Edit: all these arguments saying we already have no privacy still does not mean it is not wrong. Even then, many if those actions are illegal. An internet backdoor is far more abusable than a wire tap. If your argument is it already exists, then it is not an argument at all.


FaustusC t1_j9i6wcy wrote


If Adam wants to watch me spank one out to Waluigi hentai, but I know for a fact the CEO of Nestle is getting [politely made to pay for his crimes], I have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain here. On the average day, I don't break any laws. I don't need to.

An AI like Adam isn't going to drone strike me for speeding (if I did) or pirating music or something. But even if I got fined or something for it, to live in a world where the bad people actually pay? Fuck I would literally live on a farm tending ducks for the rest of my life, happy as a goddamn clam.


Tatersaurus t1_j9l52st wrote

It may just cure my depression, or at least part of it.


DragonLordAcar t1_j9jw164 wrote

The question is how does it determine what is a crime, can it adapt with the populace, and will it even become harsher. It can also degrade, have false flags, or potentially be infected as society advances.


BLKMGK t1_j9ics0d wrote

Who among us has never broken a law?


DragonLordAcar t1_j9jwdhi wrote

Everyone has broken a law at some point or at least thinks they did. We are just human after all. Not to mention, laws change for both better and worse. Laws aren’t always moral. For example, in the US, it is more illegal to have a few milligrams of crappy, diluted, fiberglass with some drugs than a whole brick if the pure product.


Astro_Venatas t1_j9ime4y wrote

You think you’re life is 100% private? No government or social media has any information on you?


GodKingChrist t1_j9iw7n5 wrote

There are plenty of people who have grown up with their entire life having been documented already. The game was rigged against you before you were even born.


Astro_Venatas t1_j9jo8rp wrote

My point is that you really don’t have privacy, if you send a text in the us that has words related to terrorism the government will start to read your text history and monitor you until they determine if you a threat or not.


Yrcrazypa t1_j9isq1e wrote

Unless you don't have an internet connection, a car, a smartphone, and never go out in public you are being tracked in everything you do.


GodKingChrist t1_j9iw3rv wrote

"We're already halfway down the muddy hill, so just let the ride take you"


GodKingChrist t1_j9iw0tl wrote

There are plenty of laws on the books that arent enforced anymore that would be insanely disruptive if an AI were to bring them back. Hell, you may not have done anything wrong in your entire life, and still be a criminal in some American parts of the world.