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zWol42 t1_j8q5eeq wrote

(first time writing so please have some patience w me, and english is not my first language)
As long as I've remembered as i became a hero, people, villains and even other heroes feared me, but the thing is that i wasn't strong or invulnerable, but for some reason high tech weapons and other powers in my proximity didn't work, and i took advantage of that when fighting criminals and villains, cause they couldn't damage me, a powerful villain that had a really broken power? that didn'nt work when i was close.
And i also had my 'secondary' ability, it wasn't strong but it helped me, it was aerokinesis, i could control the wind and thanks to those 2 powers i was a powerhouse when it came to hand to hand combat, i could easily dodge punches and accelerate myself through the winds, and even launch people to sky, and thanks to my primary power, and thank god i could toggle it, villains who got launched to the sky couldn't use their powers to recover and had to rely on the physical prowness, which was something that most of them wasn't used to, and i trained a lot with my body to get used to it
But as i am using the wind to glide through the city, i saw the same guys trying that i used to confront through out my usual routine off guarding the city, but it was different, they started shooting at me, and it worked, it seems that they finally used their brains and were testing low-tech weapons against me, like that ones from hundreds of years ago, it was a smart move i admit, but as they shot at me i used the vibrations of air to dodge the bullets and get closer to them, it seemed that they were awaiting for me to approach since they had my archenemy close to them.

this was going to be a hard battle, since my ability couldn't affect his main power