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Zaius1968 t1_j6dqfgn wrote

I will remember to do this when my goldfish Harvey gets flushed!


amandaflash t1_j6evswi wrote

It's the Sunday paper, usually a lot of it is printed from The Boston Globe.


dpceee t1_j6fd33v wrote

I really like that, I would have put my cat and dog in there three years ago. I am looking forward to the day that I make my marriage announcement there, now I just need to find my future spouse!


albalfa t1_j6fizj7 wrote

A couple years ago, in the midst of the pandemic, we lost one of our cats while at home one day. I called Mercadante and they were as sympathetic, caring, and respectful as can be. Had me come in with my beloved wrapped in her favorite blankies, they so carefully helped me place her in a box of the proper size, and took her to be cremated. A couple days later I picked her up in a beautiful wooden "urn" and I can see her from where I'm sitting right now.

I never knew this either until I was struggling with the loss and numbly looked on the internet.


Dont_Call_Me_Sir t1_j6fkc6p wrote

What a joke! I’ll submit my obituary for my dump that I had this morning.


darksideofthemoon131 t1_j6iqo7p wrote

My parents seemed to have horrible luck with cats. We tried adopting 3 different times and none of them lived long lives- 3 years at the most. I remember I was like 10 and new neighbors moved in upstairs that had a 20 year old cat. Was floored.

Parents ended up with a dog that lived 18 very happy and healthy years.