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YoooJoee t1_j4gkyn2 wrote

Reply to comment by Nalek in My kingdom for a Bolt by theartolater

I’m speaking from experience. I had a Chevy bolt and switched to a Tesla. The upgrade was night and day.

Your literally talking to an investment banker. Tesla is known as a TECH car not luxury. Tesla is worth more than all of those ICE brand cars for a reason. The charging infrastructure is unmatched and is exclusive to the brand. Also you have absolute pricing which mean some sleazy car salesman won’t get you for 10-20%more than MSRP.

I literally don’t understand all the hate, if you buy another car you literally funneling money to another rich billionaire pocket; don’t want to ruin the surprise but look at who owns the car brand you just mentioned. And they are in the same side politically