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New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j3yvsig wrote

We had such facilities during the dust bowl and the depression. FDR instituted a handful of programs that housed and fed people and put them to work on infrastructure across the country. It was part of the new deal there was WPA, the CCCs the TVA and others. None of that would work now, nobody wants to work. As a nation we've become conditioned to a lot of something for nothing and that is ingrained in the psyches of people across the economic spectrum from EBT cards to corporate bonuses. I think temporary assistance isn't enough. I think in addition to housing and food it should also include a useful education. It would require one adult family member to get a real degree not some useless liberal art degree or to learn a trade. The US pisses away so much money on so many things with zero returns on it's investments. It's time to invest in America.