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No-Reserve2640 t1_j39mor1 wrote

If you go to urgent care with chest pains they will most likely send you to the ER...which would most likely get you someone in that field


largomargo t1_j39taow wrote

Dear lord go to the ER. Chest pains etc eill get you right in fast


harrysgoldshoes t1_j39x20o wrote

Go to the ER!! I’ve seen some crazy shit in seemingly healthy people which stemmed from intermittent chest pain.


manicmonday122 t1_j39zxfo wrote

If you are having chest pains go to the ED. They will refer you to a cardiologist. Chest pain and palpitations are not something to mess around with


Heath9784 t1_j3a13qw wrote

Are there private hospitals and or government hospitals funded. If so what's better?


beerandpizzaparty t1_j3a875q wrote

Yes. I went to urgent care with the same. They took and EKG and thought it looked wonky and sent me to the ER. The ER did another EKG and some blood test. They said I was not in immediate danger and recommended a cardiologist to follow up with. (I did and all is fine with me. This was 2 years ago. Hope you get the same results!) Like others said - do not delay.


Sassmaster008 t1_j3a9obc wrote

Go directly to the emergency department, NOW!

If your having a heart attack they can help immediately. If it needs to be monitored they will monitor it. They will refer you to a cardiologist.


bootboard t1_j3aenzd wrote

How old are you? Have they happened before? Do you exercise? If these aren't commonplace for you, go to ER. if they are, DM me


New-Vegetable-1274 t1_j3avkel wrote

Don't mess around with this, could be nothing but it doesn't sound like it. Go to an ER, they will run all sorts of tests and even if nothing is obvious they will admit you and you will see a cardiologist. Ten years ago I thought I was having a heart attack, I ended up in an ER where a very intense team went to work on me. After hours of diagnostics they ruled out a lot of things but admitted me for a 24 hr observation and and more tests by a cardiologist. I passed a stressed test and he said I didn't have a heart problem. It was a problem with my esophagus which sits right behind the heart. Guys are stubborn about such things and that gets worse with age but this thing got my attention.


skrivet-i-blod t1_j3btsgf wrote

As others said, urgent care will just send you to the ED. This is an ED problem and not appropriate for urgent care. The hospital will have you seen by a cardiologist and probably set you up with an outpatient appointment on discharge.


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_j3fs29z wrote

Clinton UMass ER will see you faster than UMass Memorial University Campus or St. Vincent’s.


Grouchy-Buy3280 t1_j4lusb3 wrote

Yes I am a weigh lifter and very physically healthy. Age 25. I have anxiety and my life coach has always told me the intermittent chest pain was anxiety. I recently switched to a licensed therapist and she said it’s not safe to just assume chest tightness is anxiety and she wants me to get checked out but I don’t have a pcp.


bootboard t1_j4muket wrote

My therapist told me that my intermittent chest pain was anxiety as well, I was heavily into rock climbing and body building as well. It was like a sharp sudden pain right over my heart on my left pec, so it was quite concerning. Had a stress test done and a 24 hour ekg, they told me that cardiowise i was in excellent shape.

If you drink a lot that can seriously exacerbate the anxiety as well, coffee too. I cut down on both and the pains almost never happen anymore.

You may not have a pcp but you can start making appointments easily enough? Just make sure the doctor accepts your insurance. Start googling and calling around. I just got a new pcp at the sterling branch of st vs