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Grouchy-Buy3280 t1_j4lusb3 wrote

Yes I am a weigh lifter and very physically healthy. Age 25. I have anxiety and my life coach has always told me the intermittent chest pain was anxiety. I recently switched to a licensed therapist and she said it’s not safe to just assume chest tightness is anxiety and she wants me to get checked out but I don’t have a pcp.


bootboard t1_j4muket wrote

My therapist told me that my intermittent chest pain was anxiety as well, I was heavily into rock climbing and body building as well. It was like a sharp sudden pain right over my heart on my left pec, so it was quite concerning. Had a stress test done and a 24 hour ekg, they told me that cardiowise i was in excellent shape.

If you drink a lot that can seriously exacerbate the anxiety as well, coffee too. I cut down on both and the pains almost never happen anymore.

You may not have a pcp but you can start making appointments easily enough? Just make sure the doctor accepts your insurance. Start googling and calling around. I just got a new pcp at the sterling branch of st vs