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HighVulgarian t1_j3526wk wrote

You got a source for that?


Dwm182 t1_j35gc6f wrote

State Police Michigan vs. sitz. Supreme court case on constitutionality of sobriety check point.


HighVulgarian t1_j35jf96 wrote

Thank you. That is very disheartening


Dwm182 t1_j35lf50 wrote

So basically, keeping the roads safe does infringe on our 4th amendment rights. However, the benefit of road safety does, per court, outweigh the cost to freedom. In addition, to offset the infringement of our rights, police must post notice of date and time, and very, very vague location of where the checkpoint will be (i.e. Worcester county; and not in front of dunks on park Ave)

I'm a civil libertarian and this shit burns me up.


HighVulgarian t1_j35mavr wrote

I’m now curious as to what percentage of people detained at these checkpoints result in arrest for DWI. My guess is less than 5%


wsdog t1_j36ry5r wrote

Yeap, this is very sad. For some reason everyone has a right to have a metal thing that shoots bullets, but driving another metal thing that just gets you from A to B is a privilege.


largomargo t1_j35ff8j wrote

Yeah, drivers ed, the rmv, and a bunch of state laws you chucklehead


HighVulgarian t1_j35gax6 wrote

So no source. OK bootlicker


GoblinBags t1_j37i7w9 wrote

A simple Google search gave me this as the top answer to whether or not a DUI checkpoint is legal in MA:,as%20well%20as%20interview%20you.

It's legal. People might not like it and I'd argue it's a chance for cops to be unnecessary dickheads, but it's 100% legal and it's asinine to pretend it isn't. I can't believe you demanded a source for something so inherently easy to look up and then call folks a bootlicker for being incredulous that you think such a common practice is illegal.