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1upnate t1_j290n0s wrote

Can we get these installed downtown? or can people just stop driving like dicks? maybe im expecting too much...


poutine-pal OP t1_j2ak9tg wrote

There aren’t enough wealthy people living downtown complaining about speeding, I guess.


SmartSherbet t1_j28z470 wrote

Disagree. As a cyclist and pedestrian, I love the bumps and wish there were more of them. Drivers whip through Worcester neighborhoods at outrageous speeds and we should do everything we can to slow them down.


friedlock68 t1_j2b43j2 wrote

Thats true. But cyclists also need to stop riding like unpredictable assholes.


SmartSherbet t1_j2b4gdt wrote

For sure, some cyclists need to chill. But drivers running red lights and speeding are a much bigger danger. It would also be a lot easier for cyclists to ride predictably if there were good infrastructure in place for us. Believe me, I would rather stay in a protected bike lane than ride in traffic.


esotericpigeon t1_j2983vw wrote

i just wish they were at least one solid strip instead of four weird bumps so i’m not either almost bottoming out or have one wheel on one wheel off. bc they’re always on streets that are double parked so there’s never room to line up both wheels with both bumps lol


Rosseaux t1_j2947k9 wrote

The ones on Beechmont seemed to be in the wrong places--at the top and bottom of the hill instead of in the middle where people really fly.


Massnative t1_j2bkrqk wrote

Yes, and the one at the top of the hill is yards away from the new Stop sign at the Bancroft Tower Rd intersection, where cars are slowing anyway ( although, full complete stops are rare! )


legalpretzel t1_j29cqm9 wrote

I don’t mind them and wish they would put a few in my neighborhood bc people have been using it to cut between Salisbury and pleasant for years.

I’d prefer permanent speed humps. As long as they aren’t like the ones that providence has (along with a gazillion speed cameras). They didn’t even paint them, they’re the same color as the road and in the most random spots.


P_water t1_j28jqak wrote

The Coolidge ones are annoying. It’s like everybody in that neighborhood has money and that’s what got them put in.


poutine-pal OP t1_j28rf3w wrote

Agreed! Meanwhile, other roads are literally falling apart. It’s nuts.