Submitted by Alexp223 t3_zajc2h in WorcesterMA

Hey everyone Moving to bell hill any reasoning on why that’s not the best place to live ? For context I would be living a few minutes away from Umass. I’ve read some interesting things but don’t know if it’s just overhype. But it’s also cheap there, do I’m assuming that’s why !

Edit - no longer moving there! Thank you all for the help understanding what I was about to do.



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legalpretzel t1_iymnkd9 wrote

There are people on here who live in the suburbs and only come into Worcester for dinner or a show. They act like it’s war zone and comments about some neighborhoods are routinely “don’t go there” because of racism/classicism/parroting crap someone else said.

That hill is steep - be very careful when it’s icy/snowy. Especially if coming down a side street towards Belmont.


CoolAbdul t1_iyn83f7 wrote

> They act like it’s war zone and comments about some neighborhoods are routinely “don’t go there” because of racism/classicism/parroting crap someone else said.

Oh bullshit. I've lived in this city my entire life. Bell Hill is rough territory. Regardless of any "isms".


NovelNo87 t1_iyntur4 wrote

It’s definitely exaggerated by people who either don’t live here or haven’t lived here since the 90s. I see the same stuff with people talking about downtown when reviewing restaurants. Worcester has some rough areas but it’s not LA lol.


CoolAbdul t1_iyoedqa wrote

Yeah well, that's people from Holden who think June Street is ghetto, you know what I mean? Holy Cross students think this entire city is some sort of Mogadishu and they're too scared to ever come off the hill. It's ridiculous.


NovelNo87 t1_iyp1p0a wrote

I see the HC cross country team jogging down Blackstone River rd once in a while but yeah, basically.


legalpretzel t1_iz84svk wrote

I didn’t say it’s a lovely area, it’s definitely crustier and has higher crime rates than other parts of the city.

But Worcester as a whole is generally a very safe city, and Belmont Hill is a far cry from codman Sq. or the H-block in Boston.


TonySpangs508 t1_iypxdy3 wrote

My friends nephew was shot and killed in his car on Bell Hill. No gang affiliation, no street beef, was dropping off food for an in-law. Took a bullet to the back and side of the head. I grew up in that neighborhood, don’t sugar coat things for people, it’s not a good area. Used to hoop there all the time and some guy had knife pulled on him mid game. Granted this could happen anywhere and has also happened at the Vernon courts too. Such is life, wish everybody could just stand back and take a breather.


SweetHatDisc t1_iymln3d wrote

For the love of all things holy, when you pull out from whatever side street you're on to turn onto Belmont St.- LOOK. The stretch of Belmont from the police station to Green Hill Park is full of eye-raising vehicular dumbassery.


your_city_councilor t1_iynisww wrote

Years ago Rodney Street and Catharine Streets were fairly dangerous (I pulled over there for a bit to look at a map - that's how long ago it was, a paper map - and some people came and started rocking my car), but the area has changed since then. Socioeconomically it's still pretty working class, but not a dangerous area.

Best piece of advice: take the "hill" in Bell Hill seriously. Trying to drive up Belmont Street from downtown is a nightmare in the winter. Even buses get stuck sometimes.


[deleted] t1_iymggbi wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iyn5e7m wrote

There is nothing like this happening source I live there


[deleted] t1_iynj192 wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iynu1a2 wrote

No I’m not talking about fire alarms and you admit you haven’t been here in years.


[deleted] t1_iynyki4 wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iynys4o wrote

It’s so gentrified over here especially since the pandemic it’s 60% pharmacy students, Umass students and people priced out of Boston now. Rental companies have bought everything up.


[deleted] t1_iynzzon wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iyo04mm wrote

I get out to every single part of Worcester constantly. All of Worcester is incredibly safe. Maybe you need to live in some other cities for a few years.


[deleted] t1_iyo0ybk wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iyo11e0 wrote

I’m a mailman idiot


[deleted] t1_iyo1hrc wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iyo5d56 wrote

hun everyone does overtime everywhere they’re needed. Your relative’s mailman has days off and vacation time lol. Please take a nap or something.


[deleted] t1_iyo7bnw wrote



Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iyo7rx5 wrote



mellymellcaramel t1_iynehc8 wrote

Jut lock your car doors, don’t leave anything expensive in there, or anything visible, even an empty backpack. Lock your front and back doors. And that’s really it. But that goes for every town in America.


zipzopzippidydoo t1_iymofpp wrote

If there's a snow storm, your car isn't gonna do you much good in bell hill.


Itchy_Rock_726 t1_iymv0m4 wrote

Would not move there. The crime aspect, generally decrepit look of most streets in the area (Olga Ave and couple others are OK) the ridiculously dangerous and steep Belmont Hill which you will deal with every day on your way to and from thanks. Look in the Plantation Street Hamilton Street area. It's about as close and so much better. Shouldn't be all that much more expensive.


your_city_councilor t1_iynj13l wrote

The Hill is crazy. I haven't been anywhere on this side of the Mississippi River that has a major street going up a hill like that.


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_iynlwjv wrote

Plenty of nice areas close to UMass. Bell Hill isn’t one of them!


fussmuffin t1_iyno6f1 wrote

Which areas would be best/easiest to live in if you worked/studied at UMass? (I’m moving to Worcester in July for school) Thank you!


HistoricalSecurity77 t1_iyyoqj7 wrote

Plantation Parkway has some good apartments. Also anywhere in Shrewsbury is good. Burncoat and Greendale are also good neighborhoods.


wormtowny t1_iymcpd4 wrote

It’s a pretty high crime area. If it’s just you, don’t plan on walking around all that much and don’t have a nice car, you’ll be fine.

You’re going to school at UMass?


CoolAbdul t1_iym4jjh wrote

Oh dude, you're gonna be in the hood.


Unlucky-Boot-6567 t1_iyn5oih wrote

Last week you were telling people they would want to kill themselves when they moved here. The area is fine and a majority of the streets are quiet. Stop lying about where you don’t live.


coolin29 t1_iyvz71m wrote

Sounds like someone that’s not from here. Bell Hill sucks, even aside from the crime aspect. It’s loud, ghetto, near shitty streets with shitty drivers. The access to the highway and downtown is all that its good for.

There are gangs from the area, (EA) so tell me more about the area being fine again.

No, its not South Central, but its shitty all the same and if people can avoid living there, I’d say they are better off unless they simply don’t know any different and grew up there.


CoolAbdul t1_iyn87rn wrote

> Last week you were telling people they would want to kill themselves when they moved here.

(It was a joke, son. Come in off the ledge.)

>Stop lying about where you don’t live.

My brother-in-law lived on Hooper Street for five years. He has a bullet fired from the street into his apartment TWICE in five years. So get out of here with your bullshit. A hood is a hood.


Alexp223 OP t1_iymvl7n wrote

Got it, no longer moving there lol thank you all !