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yennijb t1_iwno2u0 wrote

Settlers of Catan? Is that supposed to be a selling point 😂🤣 sounds like fun anyway though!


Objective-Tough-7685 OP t1_iwnpgvm wrote

Catan is just one of the many games we're planning! We have some hardcore board gamers coming with huge selections of new games as well.

Hope we'll see you there!


guybehindawall t1_iwpowl4 wrote

Catan's fun as hell, whatsamattayou


yennijb t1_iwq3rtn wrote

Bricks-for-sheep isn't a great game, there's a lot of better designed ones out there...I've got a collection of over 200 games, Catan is annoying and boring compared to most of them. It's also become the butt of a lot of jokes in the board game world...hence my comment being a dig at it. Had this been a post from That's E there would have been a bunch of similar comments, but Catan wouldn't ever get mentioned by that's E folks because they know their audience.


guybehindawall t1_iwqwavd wrote

well maybe you're just not playing it right


yennijb t1_iwr7m9r wrote

There's a crapton of games more fun and better designed than Catan...why would I bother playing a game I don't enjoy?

Besides the point, that part of my comment was a joke, it was a dig at something most folks in the board game space would have laughed at with me.


yennijb t1_iwq3b0x wrote

Catan's not a great game...and it's become the butt of a lot of jokes on the board game world...why the heck did this get so heavily down voted?


chupacabra_666 t1_iwqt680 wrote

Because OP is providing an open opportunity for anyone interested to join and you're trying to make it about how "cool" you think you are because you own 200 games and think Catan sucks.


yennijb t1_iwriicd wrote

Gezzus was a joke... Y'all are making a mountain out of a molehill... I don't give a rats ass what anyone plays, if they find Catan fun they find it fun, I'm confused but I get confused as to how folks still find monopoly and plenty of other badly designed games fun. Catan's just the butt end of jokes for most of the boardgaming world
