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mineinhusdson OP t1_iufdy4p wrote

Reply to comment by 4183937645294 in Room suggestion? by mineinhusdson

I like to read, bike ride, be outdoors.


otnh t1_iufipzl wrote

Check out Barney's Bike shop. I believe they host group rides.


BobSacamano437 t1_iufl7dv wrote

Worcester Earn a Bike is a community bike program. They have open shop on Tuesdays 6-9PM. You can work on donated bikes or your own. It’s a nice group of folks. The season is coming to a close but there should be a few more open shop nights.

4 Knowlton Ave, Worcester, MA 01603


4183937645294 t1_iufvt1p wrote

If you’re into other exercise experiences, Central Rock Gym is fun for rock climbing. Very friendly and welcoming community. Also, if you are a church/synagogue/mosque-goer, there’s lots of great religious communities in the area.