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Slappybags22 t1_ispvu9j wrote

I still go to UMass for my primary care doc. And I hate them. I never see my actual doctor. I get charged for “urgent visits” that they then schedule a week out. I had a follow up for a cat scan that was 3 fucking months after the scan. And it wasn’t even with my actual doctor. Just an NP. I switched my OB/gyn to St. Vincent and my experience there has always been so much better.


InevitableUsual4126 t1_it4ruwy wrote

We see an OB/gyn at St V's too and he is one of 2 Drs ever who has actually listened to my wife and taken her seriously.


Slappybags22 t1_it4sidx wrote

Same. Seeing them was when I finally got diagnosed with PCOS. It isn’t even a lot of work to diagnose. They just actually listened to me and got the blood work done. The bar is so freaking low.


InevitableUsual4126 t1_it4taym wrote

We learned the hard way that there there is a bias against young women in medicine. My wife had a health issue she complained about for years that eventually nearly took her life. Nobody listened until it became a dire emergency. We both wish we had found him 10 years sooner.


Slappybags22 t1_it4tq9w wrote

That’s awful. I’m so sorry you two had to go through that. Hugs.