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regretchoice OP t1_jdaykl7 wrote

He’s very small, and usually has dark tear marks under his eyes. And was last seen by Pleasant St. Any help is greatly appreciated. His name is Teddy.


yennijb t1_jdb2xx5 wrote

Copy-paste suggestions:

  1. Contact Animal Control, leave them a voicemail with your pet's information and your contact info as well as detailed information on location & timing
  2. Contact Worcester Animal Rescue League with the same, they are where the ACO's bring lost pets
  3. For dogs: Submit a missing dog report to Missing Dogs Massachusetts, they are the biggest in the state and very active in helping people reunite by helping track sightings
  4. Additionally it might be helpful to notify other area rescues like Second Chance Animal Services and Broken Tail Rescue, Inc. Or lost pet list Facebook pages like Worcester, MA - Lost & Found Pets, Worcester, MA - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets, Lost and found pets of Mass, Lost and Found Pets of Massachusetts, Massachusetts - Lost and Found Dogs & Cats,
  5. Post on Nextdoor, local Facebook groups, and Friends of Worcester Dog Parks (any lost pets welcome)
  6. Contact your veterinarian and any veterinarian you can find in the neighborhood and nearby-ish to let them know in case they get brought in. If you get voicemail include how to identify them and how to contact you.
  7. If they are microchipped, contact the microchip company and make sure your info is up to date with them.
  8. Make sure to keep track of all people you contact, places you post, so you can update folks to know they're found or any changes in sightings. On Facebook the easiest way to do this is to make a public facebook post on your profile with all the important information and share that to groups instead of making individual posts.

I hope they find their way home soon!


TheChickenWasDry t1_jdb60nb wrote

Leave some of your dirty laundry outside, I heard it could help him follow the sent back home. Also check shelters in person regularly


BagofFriddos t1_jdb6tmi wrote

I work and go to school in Worcester. I'll keep an eye out.


perry3335 t1_jdbnp1e wrote

I saw him on Merrick Street... close to the corner of Austin Street last night around 3 am. I stopped the car but he took off behind one of the houses so I just assumed maybe an owner had let out their dog to relieve himself.

I'm a college student who does food deliveries at night so I Buzz around the whole city, I will be sure to keep my eyes open


MattOLOLOL t1_jdd626p wrote

I hope you find your pup safe and sound. If I see this lil guy I'll let you know.


oceanwave4444 t1_jddrr2j wrote

Oh poor thing, don’t forget to alert Worcester animal rescue league!


regretchoice OP t1_jddyi6b wrote

Update: He was found by Animal Rescue League & I’m in the process of getting him back. I appreciate every last one of you!!