Submitted by TyC0n t3_11hj5tb in WorcesterMA

I did not realize there would be a parking ban this weekend and I am out of state (with my car keys). My car is currently parked in a spot where it will most likely get towed. This is an expensive mistake to make, so I was wondering if I have any options? Thanks in advance



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profjohnm t1_jaucsw1 wrote

AAA tow your broken down car to a friend's driveway?


The_Real_ZerXceS t1_jav9vo7 wrote

aaa checks to see if the car is broken. if it can start, they wont tow. and possibly need driver present.


Intelligent-Sugar554 t1_jawk93m wrote

AAA cardmember is supposed to be present, but many of the drivers don't check. They do check the plate number to see if it matches the workorder. AAA driver doesn't care why the car needs to be towed, only that AAA has given them a PO to get paid. These are true of independent AAA contactors, not sure how strict an actual AAA driver is.


J_Worldpeace t1_jaw44qf wrote

Being locked out of your car is a reason to tow. You're right about the ID and being present....can't wait to see what happens! Exciting stuff!


princess-smartypants t1_jau02v1 wrote

If you have another place to take it to, a pre-emptive tow? You still pay the tow fee, but to the company of your choice and no ticket.


Doom-Hauer451 t1_jatt2pl wrote

My street has a seasonal parking ban between certain hours, and all I got was a ticket for $30 when they bagged me last month. So I’m not sure if they’ll even tow you for that.


BigResponsibility878 t1_jaucbds wrote

depends. they might tow it if they need to plow


Doom-Hauer451 t1_jaucve4 wrote

Yeah, assuming they even plow. Last year when we had more snow and a real winter and everyone stayed off my street - we all parked up the hill where parking was still allowed, and they didn’t even plow. We had a huge ice sheet after it froze over a few days later and no one could park there for weeks lol.


TwistInformal t1_javvy1a wrote

that same thing happened this year on more streets. my friend got in an accident bc he literally just slowly took a turn onto a street and slid off the road. totaled his car and luckily insurance is covering it/i think the city too. the road was just a coated ice sheet inches thick. it’s unfortunate they don’t keep the roads nicer.


bemest t1_jaulloz wrote

They’ve instituted a mandatory parking ban.


Ready-Interview-9809 t1_jau0py7 wrote

If you’re in residential and on the odd side of the road you might be ok.


masshole4life t1_jaud2np wrote

considering the ban doesn't go into effect until midnight, and the fact that enforcement has been non-existent this year, i doubt they'll be towing cars overnight.

i would chance it tbh. i doubt any useless clowns will be doing jack with cars or plowing.

edit: to my absolute shock a cruiser actually just did a warning pass thru with the whoop whoops, so i guess they will be towing after all. best to order a tow to somewhere safe. i hope it all works out.

second edit: the parade of towtrucks dragging cars has commenced. i know that these fees are generally uncontestable but fuck the dpw and the cops for their irregular enforcement. a lot of these people probably don't realize they will be towed because this is the literal first time this dysfunctional city has towed on this street all fucking season. i would fight it just for the fuck of it and explain that i didn't realize that anyone in this city actually did anything when it snows.


dupattaluella t1_jawh513 wrote

>i know that these fees are generally uncontestable but fuck the dpw and the cops for their irregular enforcement. a lot of these people probably don't realize they will be towed because this is the literal first time this dysfunctional city has towed on this street all fucking season

This is exactly why it's irregular. If they do it regularly, they won't make as money in tickets. It's the lazy way to get more tickets written to meet their quotas.


FIFAFanboy2023 t1_jbjiv21 wrote

I feel as though they could tow every car parked illegally on the daily and the fuckin morons in this city would still do stupid shit in clearly marked areas and complain about it. There was 3 cars in a row parked on the wrong side of the street (as in they were facing against traffic) across from me, which is what's banned. The police did the whoop whoop and they didn't come out. The cars were all towed about 12 minutes after midnight. The next snowstorm 2 of them were back, parked the wrong way, and during a ban. The next morning they were gone again. Haven't seen those cars since so I am curious what happened.


dupattaluella t1_jbjkmw7 wrote

>I feel as though they could tow every car parked illegally on the daily and the fuckin morns in this city would still do stupid shit in clearly marked areas and complain about it.

Most likely. There will always be people who don't read signs, don't pay attention to city ordinances, or just feel they should be able to do what they want.


rbcarter101 t1_jatrqdg wrote

What part of the city? Anywhere downtown there should be a free accessible garage.

Edit because dumb: non emergency police line and ask them what they would recommend.


Nice_Chemistry7576 t1_jatviqs wrote

Which would be useful if they weren’t out of state, or left there keys for a friend to move it. Most likely will just get a ticket that with proof of being out of state you could fight (or just pay)