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trains_and_rain t1_j451i6c wrote

Or just don't drive at rush hour? If you are in a car at rush hour then you are part of the problem.


werd_matrix t1_j46qwbd wrote

Why, because people have to get home from work? How is that a problem???


sarahjustme t1_j46xlkw wrote

Problem- too many cars on the road at once. Cause- rush hour. Don't take it personally. But you might be part of the problem.


werd_matrix t1_j47b5wm wrote

I usually try to avoid driving in rush hour but I don’t view it as a problem. People gotta eat.


trains_and_rain t1_j49f2n7 wrote

>I don’t view it as a problem.

This whole thread started with you complaining about rush hour traffic, so clearly you do.

And so do I: rush hour drivers get really aggressive, and it makes me feel unsafe while walking. I really wish they'd make better live choices rather than taking out their anger on pedestrians by running red lights, blocking crosswalks, etc :(


woolaverage t1_j471nh6 wrote

Ok but it's not like they can control needing to Get home Like people can't control needing to be on the road to get home Y'know what night help with this tho Might help with less traffic It's a little secret Called

Decent public transportation and lots of it


trains_and_rain t1_j49dhy8 wrote

So get get from work with something other than a car?

Cars take up a huge amount of space. I realize you want to drive everywhere, but it's just not a feasible option for everyone to do that. Look at LA for an example of what happens when you try to build a metro area like that. If anything we should be investing more in non-car options in order to improve the driving experience.

Good video on this: