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adubski23 t1_j41mvji wrote

No, but eliminating drunk drivers-even religious ones—is a great idea.


DeaditeMessiah t1_j41nrzp wrote

.08 does that. If you redefine drunk, the question is circular. Set it at .0001, you'll find even more "drunks".

There would need to be some strong science on this to convince me, and so far all I see is hysterical moralism, and by God, we're full up on that at the moment.


doktorhladnjak t1_j422xx8 wrote

The difference is that at 0.0001, there is no evidence of impaired function. At 0.05, there is. You don’t have to feel drunk or even buzzed to have a slowed reaction time.


adubski23 t1_j41qfv1 wrote

Two things. You seem to overestimate the value of your opinions, and there’s plenty of room to lock up more drunks.
