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gambinesh t1_izumum7 wrote

Nah. Didn't say that. But it is a tool that may be necessary with some of these issues. If they come in my home and put my family at risk? Sheriff response time out here is 60 minutes+. Yesterday they triggered an alarm trying to get in a house. Seems like mailbox, to porch pirate, to breaking and entering is a obvious escalation. You expect me to sit for 60 min and wait while my family is harmed? Nah.

If there is no way to move to a safe space or ward off a wild animal? Don't get me wrong - we live in harmony with the wildlife around us and our animals (cow, horses, chickens) are pets - not food. But it can be very unpredictable out here and even a tool that is used as a last resort is still a necessary tool to have.

What's super fucked is you can't see past your own world view to understand that it may not fit every other.


molotov_billy t1_izuoqug wrote

Right, so then distill your argument down to actual valid points - not fear of coyotes (and it’s cute that you think you’ll ever be able to bag a coyote that’s taking your chickens so long as you own a gun) or the idea that having a gun in the car will prevent someone else’s aggressive driving.

If those are actual, real talking points for you then you’re either a straight up coward or just someone looking for an excuse to kill something.


gambinesh t1_izuxzwa wrote

Dude - you done making accusations and inserting your own bias into what I said? Or do you really think I owe you anything? I said my peace. Totally open to you asking questions to see if you can understand my perspective but I'm not going to engage when you have already made up your mind.


molotov_billy t1_izuyfe1 wrote

Let’s be real, those dead kids get plenty of sympathy - but who’s advocating for the chickens?
