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lurker-1969 t1_iwy3qe4 wrote

I doubt that you understand much about the culture and mindset of the hunting community. Eat bear, yes, Control populations, yes. Thirst to kill wildlife, this is where you go off the rails dude.


fatmanchoo t1_iwy5l8d wrote

You saying people don't shoot and kill wildlife for sport?

I come from a family of hunters. I planned to carry on with the tradition, but can't be fuckt to go out and shoot animals - for any reason, unless I have to for survival.


probablywrongbutmeh t1_iwzi1mz wrote

Ive hunted deer my whole life and can honestly say I hate the act killing them.

If I didnt though, theyd overpopulate and starve, cause ecological destruction.

Its a benefit that I can eat them, but I have never once felt joy at killing any animal, especially if it wasnt a perfectly placed shot. I think most people I hunt with probably feel the same way.