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MasterChiefette t1_iw6fe1l wrote

He hasn't conceded, because he thinks he is going to find over 4,600 votes from the 6000 votes that need verified. Since Marie is getting over 50% of the votes it means she'll still be ahead by over 5000 when those 6000 are vetted. Kent is done. He is a conspiracy whackadoo that even a large portion of Republicans here in SW don't like him.


Thakog t1_iw7157x wrote

No, a slender minority of Republicans don't like him... he still got nearly 50% of the vote.


MasterChiefette t1_iw88buk wrote

50k+ is no slender amount. That is generally the margin of votes that separate Dem and Rep candidates here.


wolf1moon t1_iw9h4rg wrote

5k not 50k.


MasterChiefette t1_iwb20fc wrote

Think you mistake what I said. Dems lose elections here by 50k+. That means for Marie to have won this election 50k+ Republicans would have had to voted for her.


wolf1moon t1_iwcqnph wrote

Totally. I think moderates must have voted for her.