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DukeReaper t1_iv4m4nx wrote

It rained today because the border is open..... if enough people say it, then it's true, if it's true, then it's facts...#newfacts lol


yensid87 t1_iv5kgo2 wrote

The Canadians are coming, The Canadians are coming!

We’re coming for your women and Chick Fil A 👹

Edit: whoever downvoted this 🤣


CamDaHuMan t1_iv63ywf wrote

I live in a border community and they come for the cheap cheese and gas at Costco plus Trader Joe’s.

To be clear—I’m cool with this because it means my small town has a HUGE Costco.


yensid87 t1_iv65yqs wrote

Hello Bellinghamian. I’m honestly in your area 2+ times a week lately. I’ve honestly been to Trader Joe’s only once, and I get my gas at the Pilot in Ferndale, always a bit cheaper than Costco.