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CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iv28dmv wrote

Also, they found the bullet it him, so did it go through the dog first? It just doesn't make sense.


goinupthegranby t1_iv2kgc2 wrote

Wild that the Sheriff's department would actually try to push 'maybe he died from the weed he had on him' when he had been shot in the chest.


CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iv2o8h2 wrote

That got me too, I was like, oh no, if someone shot me in the woods would my weed habit let them get away with it?


blaaguuu t1_iv2ue3c wrote

It's kind of incredible how little sense any of the stories make... Like if I saw a movie where a criminal or the police came up with these excuses, I would say it's terrible writing - nobody would put forward a story that stupid, and expect anyone to buy it.


CuriousPenguinSocks t1_iv2vct2 wrote

It's not just me then.. it does feel like some B grade wannabe triller/crime drama mess.