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E36E92M3 t1_it18od8 wrote

it was 85 degrees in the middle of October this year. That says it all really


Jimmyginger t1_it2wr5n wrote

Yeah. Sure the fires didn't break out until much later in the year, but this has also been the hottest year that I can remember. With all the heat waves and the basically no rain we had this summer, the lack of fires feels more like dumb luck then anything else.


MarmotMossBay t1_it42kvb wrote

Education and preemptive burning helped. I hope we will see fewer man made fires from dumb incidents, because drought and fuel availability is not going away.


azdood85 t1_it4ep5e wrote

Yup. I keep hearing from people:

"Its just the new normal"

Ya know... it doesnt have to be.