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tits_me_your_pm_ t1_irom585 wrote

Lol well according to the other thread… you’re a piece of shit yuppie leaving poop bags & blue tooth speakers in your wake, basking in the veracious audacity of a weekend wilderness warrior, callously taking step after defiant step up the trail, only to inevitably descend back to the overpopulated, tech-bro run, [something something no more bear cubs downtown] hell-hole that you - and waaaay too many other ppl - call home.

Seattle - breathtaking views of the natural world (but don’t you dare fucking try to see them, Chad)


lurkerfromstoneage t1_irpsfx8 wrote

Ok but NO PLEASE NO do NOT play music on the trails, throw your waste (including orange and banana peels!!) out into the forestland, go off trail, smoke (especially with wildfire risks…!!), go with a huge group and block the entire trail, forget to say excuse me/announce passing etc., leave your dog off leash, get wasted and bother other hikers, take selfies in the middle of the trail with other people around you, do stupid risky shit so maybe S&R will have to come find you…. Be smart, be safe, make common sense decisions…. Why is it so hard for so many people?? People are too fucking selfish 🤨 (yeah, all this stuff is common)


postrock123 t1_irqvssk wrote

I'll find you and Ricky Martin will find you too.