Submitted by Terminal_777 t3_xsixo3 in Washington
Plethorian t1_iqljad7 wrote
The old ferry landing. Damn, those condos must have doubled in value, while Ivar's, the tavern/ bodega, and little boutique hotel lost all their business.
thesmallestwaffle t1_iqndoko wrote
I miss being able to ride my bike here as a teenager. Beautiful!
Terminal_777 OP t1_iqnpdg1 wrote
Actually, Ivar's is still there. The other business I'm not so sure about. The hotel you mentioned however, is now under the Silver Cloud hotel chain.
Plethorian t1_iqo5jwd wrote
Hotel was always Silver Cloud, I think. Ivar's is still there, but their chowder bar is closed - it did massive business.
Blind-bigfoot t1_iql9eax wrote