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etcpt t1_je322ub wrote

Bogachiel State Park should have showers, though they may be currently closed for the winter. Their phone number is on their website, you should be able to give them a call for more information:


nbwajdr t1_je32a2e wrote

Bogachiel State Park, 5 or 10 minutes south of Forks has showers in the campground restrooms.


irishmcbastard t1_je32mnt wrote

Get Yourself a joolca and take a shower when ever you're near a stream.{sourceid}&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_fii=&nb_ap=&nb_mt=b&gclid=CjwKCAjwoIqhBhAGEiwArXT7K0dcMsVxiXI6g_cLGrrUI-V5YI9RcBsb7de1T-CfZI0ZoB4a-uPL9hoCU5IQAvD_BwE


ElTardoDente t1_je36afc wrote

Not sure what your situation looks like but people in my city will pay for a gym membership and use those showers daily. Ours is $35 a month which might be too pricey but it would be a solid investment for hygiene


Ponsugator t1_je531wt wrote

Salt Creek has coin showers. If you go to Sol Duc Hot springs they have a locker with showers as well. We did the hike then showered and soaked in the hot springs for an hour