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NothingWillBeLost t1_je13jwb wrote

Actually, naysayers, the water is clear. The lighter parts is the floor. You can literally see something in the water at the bottom.


Warm2roam t1_je17y9p wrote

The Puget Sound sea is terminally a murky green, the blue pictured here is refractive clear skies. It is a nice picture anyways.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je1cy87 wrote

In Edmonds it isnā€™t. I was there, the poster is my wife. We go there all the time to take pictures of sea life. The water is crystal clear. This photo just isnā€™t the best representation.


[deleted] t1_je3o6iy wrote

Trust me you canā€™t fool the people that actually have lived here their entire life. You can help me save thousands if you find a place in Washington that has crystal clear water beach thatā€™s isnā€™t in a lake or a tide pool.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3tu44 wrote

Idk maybe Iā€™m a stupid Texan who doesnā€™t know clear water from being surrounded by nasty brown water my whole but it looks pretty clear to me. These are from the same place. And itā€™s not a tide pool or lake. This is part of the sound.


[deleted] t1_je3u8tb wrote

Rolfmao thatā€™s the edge of the shore of course it would look like that on a nice sunny day. There might be reason when I go to the pier on the edge of that marina and look down at Edmonds I canā€™t see jackshit. The pictures literally look like a tide pool you would see at the aquarium.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3uh4f wrote

Itā€™s clear. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø And obviously clear. You didnā€™t specify where it had to be clear. You just said clear beach water. Thatā€™s clear beach water.


[deleted] t1_je3ul44 wrote

The middle of that marina and the edge of that shore arenā€™t the same place lmao. Plus ainā€™t no way Iā€™m wading into that. Donā€™t really want to slip on the stuff coating the rocks and become paralyzed for life.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3vb27 wrote

No but you didnā€™t specify. You just said somewhere clear and I showed you someplace that is. Arguing semantics doesnā€™t negate the fact that its clear. This isnā€™t the Atlantic Ocean. Itā€™s not going to look the same. But Iā€™ve been farther out and could see down too. Maybe since you have lived here your whole life you become blinded to how pretty it is. Grow up somewhere like Texas where the closest beach is fucking Galveston and all itā€™s oil spills and you would appreciate this too.


[deleted] t1_je3w2op wrote

I specified beach. Now if you could make the rocky sea wall into a beach without it instantly eroding you might be onto the next great thing. And if some crusty sea wall is something to ooh and ahh about you should probably explore more of the state.

Also clear water beaches are typically clear to more than like 15 feet from the shore which Iā€™m not really seeing.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3wwpm wrote

I mean, if you know Edmonds you know there is a beach a couple blocks away. But alright you got meā€¦

These are from the beach in Edmonds still pretty clear and walkable you probably wonā€™t fall and paralyze yourself here.


[deleted] t1_je3x23l wrote

Hahahahaha it turns into a disgusting brown sludge like five feet into the surf. Ainā€™t no way thatā€™s clear. Is thigh deep water the best you can do? Ainā€™t no way you can swim in that unless you want to grab the bottom like that one ancestor to land creatures.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3xdk1 wrote

If you think that water is disgusting brown youā€™re jaded from your time here. Go anywhere north of Florida on the east coast, or any beach in Texas and you will see a CLEAR šŸ˜‰ difference.


[deleted] t1_je3y0c3 wrote

Iā€™m sorry but stop deflecting. I donā€™t live in Florida or Texas so I donā€™t comment on those places. Rule of thumb if you canā€™t see your feet in the water you step in itā€™s not clear. If itā€™s ten feet deep and you canā€™t see the bottom itā€™s not clear. End of discussion.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3y9rs wrote

Thatā€™s not deflecting. Iā€™ve to multiple beaches here where I could easily see more than 5 feet down.


NothingWillBeLost t1_je3yjl6 wrote

Pointing at the bottom of the water for someone else. The water here was probably 7-8 feet.


[deleted] t1_je3z94i wrote

It might be clear for your standards but clear is like Miami Beach clear where I can see the bottom beyond like six feet into horizontal into the ocean before it becomes really murky. It would be really boring snorkeling when your max vision is six feet.


Macemore t1_je1m87t wrote

Waaaa people don't like my attempt to farm karma waaaa


alskaman t1_je1by9m wrote

Uhhh clear was in the Bahamas when I could see the floor and sea turtles and rays. This isnā€™t ā€œclearā€


NothingWillBeLost t1_je1cklv wrote

You can see the floor? Thereā€™s literally a reflection of something at the bottom.


reallytraci OP t1_je1cjbv wrote

This is a ā€œWashingtonā€ sub. Not a ā€œclearest water on the internetā€ or ā€œBAHAMASā€ sub.


reallytraci OP t1_je13oss wrote

God you guys are assholes. I posted a picture showing pretty water? And all I get is negative. Like fuck you. Iā€™m from Texas. That water IS clear but Iā€™m sure all you snug assholes out there will start spewing your PNW bullshit about how much better you are than anyone else and ā€œthereā€™s definitely better water out thereā€ oh shut the fuck up. And this is exactly why I will NOT be staying in your ugly, garbage ridden, homeless upper ARMPIT that is Washington


Duskangel1 t1_je17q5u wrote

If it's such a ugly armpit don't post it to farm karma. Post the "paradise" that is texas


Warm2roam t1_je17m0w wrote

Well thanks for visiting! Hope the ā€˜Seattle freezeā€™ didnā€™t make you bitter or anything.


[deleted] t1_je3vgq6 wrote

That weird slush that fell like two weeks ago giving them flashbacks to the great Texan winterstorm where it snowed like 2 inches.


Macemore t1_je1m6r0 wrote

You clearly don't know the definition of the word. It's blue and hazy.


58696384896898676493 t1_je24p26 wrote

Damn, you're quite the sensitive little baby huh? Only took what, 3 comments to trigger you into this rant?


Idealpro t1_je1zc0j wrote

[Gentle back pat] Its ok buddy, they can't hurt you. BBQ is calling you home and thats definitely something Texas has going for it that the PNW seems to suck at.


strictlytacos t1_je1irlh wrote

Donā€™t let ugly people make you ugly. I can tell itā€™s clear and itā€™s nice. Our state has problems but itā€™s gorgeous here.