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ScreamyPeanut t1_jbqjiik wrote

Gas tax + greed

When prices go up, they never really come back down.


Ponsugator t1_jbqnbhu wrote

They are a$0.49 gas tax I believe in January. They want to keep increasing it until people can’t afford gas and get EV. It’s a terrible tax for lower income that taxes them at a higher percentage and will never be able to afford an EV, or families where there are no EVs big enough to fit them


DiRT360 t1_jbqok3q wrote

Definitely not originating from the petrol producers profit margins


coyboi88 t1_jbr2akt wrote

I had thought it was a new built in cost because of Washington state’s carbon cap and trade. Basically the cost of the new cap and trade system is being passed on to consumers even though the first auction JUST took place and was completely voluntary. Gas companies can now charge higher rates and say “it’s because of this new tax”. (While still pulling in record profit after tax).


freckledtabby t1_jbrb1iv wrote

Why is RENT so high? The same reason. The capitalist says "supply and demand", we MUST raise the price. I'm exhausted by it all.


Salmundo t1_jbrbh9l wrote

BP: record profits. Wonder why.


Boatdrnk32 t1_jbrf3mf wrote

Record oil company profits + the third highest gas tax in the country = screw you to the consumer.


Pianowman t1_jbrqp4x wrote

I don't know. But when I paid $4.25 recently, I texted my FIL to ask what they were paying in the Midwest. He said he had just filled up earlier that day and he was upset that it had gone up to $2.95


Salmundo t1_jbtai64 wrote

Taxes are $0.18/gallon federal, $0.494/gallon state, plus sales tax (which varies by county).

Gas Buddy says Washington has the fourth highest average pump price per state. Some states with low taxes have high prices (e.g., Arizona).

Western states have unique gasoline formulas for air pollution control. Refiners will claim that as a factor in higher fuel prices.

If you can sell all the gasoline you can make at $5/gallon, why would you sell it at $2/gallon?


Foreign_Extension489 t1_jbuhrns wrote

The problem the west is facing is a logistics one in addition to corporate greed. The unfortunate problem we have is a lack of access to our own refineries. California has some but a lot are offline due to maintenance. So we have to get more refined fuels from across the country to meet the demand….there’s also the whole thing of if the people pay for it it keeps getting worse.


4Dcookie t1_jbv5ez7 wrote

Pandemic stimulus for oil companies.