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Bird_Herder t1_jax7gy4 wrote

My experience went like this. I graduated with a degree in Wildlife and Restoration Ecology. I wanted to get a job at a fish hatchery but I applied to a lot of different areas. I would either get a rejection email saying I didn't have enough experience or would get no response at all. I even DID have experience through volunteering with Fish and Wildlife and at a raptor rehab center, but they would specify PAID experience. I only applied to full time, permanent positions though since I had bills and couldn't afford the uncertainty of part time or seasonal positions. After 5 years I just gave up and figured I'd be working retail forever. I finally lucked out and found a position at a public aviary, but it was really pure dumb luck that I got it. So, as far as I know, if you want a career with Fish and Wildlife you probably need to start as a seasonal and work your way up.