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TryingToBeHere OP t1_ja59lev wrote

Sometimes the native name is spelled Tahoma or Takhoma, but the Puyallup Tribe has clarified the name and preferred spelling -- "Tacoma" like the city.


Norwester77 t1_ja5f5nm wrote

Tahoma is closer to the pronunciation in Sahaptin (the language of the Yakama, Klickitat, Upper Cowlitz, and other groups).


T-TownDarin t1_ja5ws36 wrote

We need to officially change the name back from Rainier to Tahoma.


jesseboyphotos t1_ja6lubt wrote

The did it with McKinley (now Denali) in Alaska, surely they can do it here as well.


NF-104 t1_ja6px4k wrote

Especially since Rainier’s namesake fought against American sailors in the Revolutionary War.


CpowOfficial t1_ja89c93 wrote

There's a ton of references to it like the Mt. Tahoma schools


CascadeClimber t1_ja5dean wrote

I didn’t know that!


DickTooRadical t1_ja6c31o wrote

Yeah it was Mt. Tahoma until somewhere in the 1790’s when a white colonizer guy arrived in the area and “named” the mountain after his buddy back home.


tamarlk t1_ja81pj5 wrote

The Puyallup tribe is one of many tribes in Washington.


Gwtheyrn t1_ja5yrs8 wrote

It's going to murder us all one day, but it will look gorgeous until then.


ruckus666 t1_ja6lp0j wrote

And it will still look gorgeous while it's murdering us all! Ahh, the wonder and power of nature.


starfyredragon t1_ja8gk0q wrote

Actually, with the prevailing easterlies, other than the people immediately around it, it's more likely to murder Idaho.


ruckus666 t1_ja8ped6 wrote

>...other than the people immediately around it...

How immediately around it? Because there's a decent chunk of Washington between Mt. Tacoma and Idaho lol


starfyredragon t1_jad6iso wrote

Basically those in the area of the immediate blast zone (the red area on the graph). Things will be high unpleasent for everyone else in its area of effect, but not murder-zone unpleasant. After the blast zone, the next biggest murder-doom is the smoke, which the prevailing easterlies will push over Idaho. The bigger concern for WA isn't if Rainer blows or its ash, it's if it triggers the fault lines.


TryingToBeHere OP t1_jaaecnu wrote

Cascadia megathrust earthquake involving Juan De Fuca plate is a scarier disaster and a higher risk too I believe. There are cities on the coast like Long Beach, WA that will simply disappear. I5 will be out for weeks. They happen about every 300-500 years and it has been 323 years since the last one.


Gwtheyrn t1_jaaoaf0 wrote

I live in Port Townsend, right on the fault. It is what it is.


TryingToBeHere OP t1_jabgdzt wrote

There are definitely fault throughout the region but the main plate where the mega thrust earthquake would be is about 100 miles offshore I believe.


TheEvergreenMonster t1_jabhww7 wrote

Just gonna drop this here because it’s a very well done (and terrifying) piece about this topic.

Also great photo, OP!


MiddleCentipede t1_ja5p59q wrote

Do you think this guy is listening to "Disco Inferno" on his Walkman?


TryingToBeHere OP t1_ja5pxol wrote

He was actually blasting music on a bluetooth speaker (a little rude IMO). The only song I recognized was "Night Nurse" by Gregory Isaacs.


GoNudi t1_ja5zkcj wrote

I used to be THAT GUY. Totally clueless yet would get annoyed at others blasting their music. Wife helped me evolve, i'm much more advanced now with my headphones & love it! Boney M, Mariachi El Bronx, Gershwin, Vampire Weekend, or others on demand as loud as I want without bothering a soul ~ I love it!


ruckus666 t1_ja6lrkc wrote

And I bet your sound quality has improved, too! Way to grow.


imjoiningreddit t1_ja62d8i wrote

Jean shorts are giving me 80’s rock or 90’s grunge vibes. Nirvana and Motley Crue??


MiddleCentipede t1_jadbjjj wrote

Oo, now Im thinking Eruption by Van Halen because of the volcano. This could be an album cover.


Medium-Succotash7069 t1_ja6fcvl wrote

Nice shot. I have captured a lot of great shots at Point Ruston area.


Lasiocarpa83 t1_ja59upm wrote

Nice shot! What lens focal length did you use here?


TryingToBeHere OP t1_ja5ay79 wrote

I don't know a lot about cameras besides point and click. I was using my sigma 250mm-600mm lens that I have primarily for birding, and this would have been mostly zoomed out so like 300mm I think (unless I am misunderstanding the word "focal length").


thabc t1_ja86pau wrote

Looks 300ish, so you're probably not far off.

Some of my lenses will report the focal length to the camera and it gets stored in the EXIF data in the original file. You could probably look it up if you are curious.


GoNudi t1_ja5ypb6 wrote

Such a beautiful area with so much life! I hope something like the Ohio chemical train issue never happens here. This state (and Northwest region) is such a treasure to the whole country.


c-g-joy t1_ja6gyzj wrote

I mean, sadly Tacoma is still considered one of the most heavily polluted areas in the country because of the Asarco smelter.


AnyBowl8 t1_ja7sxz5 wrote

That's Mt Tahoma


nopefish83 t1_ja87g5j wrote

We really be making memes about Pompeii and then take pictures like that


GreenThumbFun t1_ja6k1ad wrote

Love this shot. Thank you for sharing.


tofindabettersong t1_ja74fl9 wrote

TJL that's where the name of the City of Tacoma comes from.


ElTardoDente t1_ja942kv wrote

That dude roller skating is glorious af. Mountain looks nice too


Responsible_Manner t1_jaaa0w8 wrote

What trail is he roller skating on?


TryingToBeHere OP t1_jaadak7 wrote

It was like an elevated terrace area that was partially paved, adjacent to the main trail that follows the top of the bluff. There are paved areas all over the park (Dune Peninsula Park)


oldgar t1_ja65cq6 wrote

Actually it's Tahoma


QX943 t1_ja6nwgv wrote



oldgar t1_ja86jfz wrote

Right, not being a native I know not all the tribal names for things


TryingToBeHere OP t1_ja6gk26 wrote

Not according the Puyallup Tribe


NukeWarz t1_ja7evrd wrote

which disagrees with the yakama


MurlockHolmes t1_ja82kqe wrote

Which makes sense, the Puyallup were (are) a Lushootseed-speaking Salish tribe. The Yakima lived out east and spoke a different language. Names and pronunciations won't match up 1:1.


NukeWarz t1_ja89se8 wrote

yeah no the only point I'm making is that no one people has like, an 'objective' name for the mountain. many tribes have variations, none of them are 'right'


oldgar t1_ja6j0t8 wrote

Mount Rainier (/reɪˈnɪər/), also known as Tahoma, is a large active stratovolcano in the Cascade Range of the Pacific Northwest. The mountain is located in Mount Rainier National Park about 59 miles (95 km) south-southeast of Seattle.
